What is the root of conflict between mankind? What needs are not being met? @ecoTrain QOTW

What is the root of conflict between mankind?
What needs are not being met?
@EcoTrain QOTW

From the beginning of time we have been hearing stories of our ancestors where there has always been an unrest in the human mankind. We humans have never settled peacefully ever, be it now or 1000 years ago or even before that. Either we have been fighting over territories, power, resources or whatever but we have always been in a state of conflict. If we go back to the time of Ramayana and Mahabharata, the great Indian epics even in those times we see that the mankind was always at war over some or the other thing.

While there are many reasons for this conflict to keep arising. But what I perceive in the current world scenario is, (I say here perceive because these are simply my own thoughts)Unequal Distribution of Resources


Unequal Distribution of Resources

This is one of the biggest reason I see for the unrest in mankind. The situation presently is such that the rich are getting richer and the poor poorer. A majority of the resources be it money or other resources are being hold by few and a small amount is being left among a majority.

Forget the finances part, globally still a large amount of population is fighting basics like hunger, malnutrition, striving on day to day basics of life. The struggle is never ending for them. If we have to pick up Africa, to an extent India there is still so much of poverty in these places. People are struggling to get their one time meal and basics like water, so in such a scenario how do we expect peace in these regions.

Population is another one major factor. There are many places where the population is so astounding that the country does face challenges in meeting all the ends of their people. Basic infrastructure, hygiene, Education all of these suffers in these regions which eventually gives birth to crimes.

Unequal distribution of the wealth is the biggest factor that culminates conflicts and crimes against people. If not a luxurious life, everyone wants a stable and peaceful life where they do not need to struggle to meet their daily needs and can peacefully get a desired quality life, desired hygiene levels, education and a decent lifestyle. Specially in the times we live in where there is so much awareness, so many possibilities, so much of rapid growth in the lifestyle. In such a scenario every single person desires something for themselves as per their needs and when they fail to get it on a long term basis it creates unrest for them.

While we are struggling at a global level with different types of resources, then there is this competition at micro level also. The peer pressure, the so many opportunities lures one into getting more and more for themselves. The tolerance level of people is going down, people want to achieve their goals faster in short span of time. The Governments play their role in creating unrest. In Mumbai city I still see so many people sleeping on the roads, they come to cities from interior villages and we question them why do they come from their villages to the cities to dirty our places and pollute them, destroy the beauty of our cities. But the point is if they had enough in their villages they would not have a need to come to the cities. Lack of employment, education, facilities drives them to come to these big cities in a hope that life will get a better life but when they face disappointment they turn to doing wrong things. They do not have understanding of right and wrong, what matters to them the most is meeting their ends, surviving.
The Survival of the fittest theory plays here. The common thinking is the more they have the more powerful they become, now how they get is not important for them. Be it through theft, murder, crime, illegal activities it does not bother to them.

If every single person on the planet has all resources distributed equally there would be no question of conflict. If not equal then sufficient enough also will help maintain lot of peace on the planet and we would find this world a much better place to live.

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