What Rituals do I have and Why are they Important to me @ecotrain QOTW by @eco-alex.
Rituals are an integral part of lot of people. Some Rituals are done on daily basis or purpose specific or religious & festival rituals. Be it whatever, one thing what I like about Rituals is they bring in a lot of positivity and boost up energy levels. Personally I like doing Rituals and get a very good feeling when I do them. There are certain rituals which have become like a mandate of my life and I never miss them unless there is a situation which absolutely does not allow me. Not that I have a compulsion to do it, but I so much enjoy doing it that I never want to miss them.
So here are few of my Rituals, which I so thoroughly enjoy
Morning Prayer
Some of my daily Rituals that I follow is a short prayer before getting out of the bed. I like to do a prayer daily which normally takes a minimum of half an hour but there are times when I am not able to do it. But the short prayer on getting up is something I never miss and it has become a part of me.
Daily Meditation Practice
This is one daily ritual which i never want to miss, but yes when I am travelling at times it becomes difficult and on those days I feel a certain type of emptiness within. When I quiet my mind and create that empty space I feel i am able to Let Go off all that no longer serves good to me. The flow of energy in the body after the Meditation allows me to go with my daily routine with rigor right through the end of the day.
Full Moon Rituals
Full Moon Rituals are something which I always look forward to every month. This monthly Ritual is a time for me to Manifest. The rituals are normally done with Crystals, Candles and some other stuff along with using spells. These rituals transport me to another dimensions. Universe holds a lot of magic within, if we are able to work on it, there are many things that can get into our periphery which are so much beyond our imagination. Spell work does wonders and can be used for any area of life. If anyone is looking out for Spells for any specific area of life, I am sure here to help.
Working with Crystals
There is not a day in my life that goes without spending time with my Crystals. Even though I work with them daily but every single time I see them and hold them I feel fascinated and feel the wonders of the nature, the gifts that nature has given to us, so beautiful, so serene and so magical. The energy of Crystals keep me charged no matter whatever the situation is. Even when I was ill in the last two months, I had my crystals around, their energy was also drained out because I could not take good care of them in those days but I use to see that whenever I use to get knocked down it would not take me long to bounce back and not give up on my condition. I could feel the energy that I kept getting to keep fighting it out and moving ahead. Every day I spend some time with them at the end of the day, I feel they listen to me and communicate with me and they have loads of information to share.
Space Clearing
This is something I do at my home on daily basis. After a bath I light a diya and candles in each room and clear the space using the Incense by spreading the Incense smoke all over in the home, specially the corners. During the day we are having all sorts of communication with people, we use gadgets, wifi radiation, the television, the microwave and so many things are going on. There is so much of harmful and unwanted energy release that is happening, hence space clearing becomes one very important activity for me on daily basis. The energy of our home plays a major role for us. What energy we have of our home directly impacts our life. A house with stale and unwanted energies will give the same energy to the person living in the house.
These are somethings which are regular and a part of my life and my heart and soul is connected with them. Other then these there are many other religious rituals that we do as required.
When it comes to rituals, everyone has their own ways and some feel that one should not get into any sort of rituals and bind. But personally I feel that one should do what makes one happy. Even if one has a ritual of sitting with a cup of Coffee early morning every day and enjoying that part of the day is good enough. At the end of the day it is all about you. Be it simple or complicated what makes us feel good and happy is just the right thing for us.
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