Sacred Seeds. Our Top 5 Favorite Seed Companies


It's that time of year folks! Snow's gettin' deep and the catalogs are rolling in...

As we anticipate the exciting growing season ahead I thought we would share with you our favorite seed companies and why we love them..... We order from these folks every year; who's your favorite? Please share in the comments below!

5. Richter's Seeds

This seed company has an amazing selection of herb seed. Based out of Canada, they carry seeds that grow in a wide range of agricultural zones, as well as live bare-root plants. They even have Leonotis/ Wild Dagga! Richter's Seeds


4. Fedco Seeds

This Maine-based seed company/ co-op has been providing quality seeds to growers for decades. They have a fantastic selection of heirloom vegetables, herbs, flowers and even grains... (As well as trees, tubers, and growing supplies) They are passionate and dedicated to non-GMO and supporting small farmers, and the artwork in their catalog is quite entertaining! We look here especially when a larger company is out of something, often times, Fedco has it. They also offer free shipping on all orders over $30 (bonus!!) and some pretty sweet bulk discounts. Fedco

Welcome to Fedco Seeds, your source for cold-hardy selections especially adapted to our demanding Northeast climate. Each year we observe hundreds of varieties, selecting only the best for inclusion in our catalogs. Through our product lines and cultural hints, we encourage sustainable growing methods. We offer a large selection of certified-organic cultivars and regional heirloom varieties. We buy products from all over the world.


3. J.L. Hudson Seedsman

Counting down to number three we have this awesome company, an exclusively mail order seedbank. Their catalog is immense- get your latin name ID book ready! For some very unique finds, as well as classics- of perennials, herbs, flowers, and annuals. This company has a lot to offer. You can tell the owners must be real enthusiasts and stewards. J.L. Hudson


2.Baker Creek Heirlooms

Many will be familiar with this popular heirloom seed company. They are top notch. Exciting selection of truly unique heirloom vegetables, herbs, and flowers, and their prices are fair. Their seed packets make great crafting materials once they've been emptied, and their catalog is a work of art. We especially like to order our tomatoes from here. Baker Creek


1. Johnny's Selected Seeds

Being that we are market growers we have found that, over the years, Johnny's has our back when it comes to quality and consistency. We have had great success with germination and growing from everything we've ordered. They also have exceptional customer service, and a library of grower guides to all sorts of crops, as well as tips and tricks for everything under the sun. In this case the old adage rings true "You get what you pay for." Not that Johnny's is expensive, but on some things we pay a bit more for that peace of mind and quality. They sell seed for heirloom and hybrid vegetables, herbs, and flowers as well as cover crops and state-of-the-art tools and equipment. Johnny's

Johnny's Selected Seeds was one of nine original signers of the Safe Seed Pledge, in 1999....
We pledge that we do not knowingly buy, sell, or trade genetically-engineered seeds or plants.


Honorable Mentions:

1. Bountiful Gardens
We used to love to order from this place. They will be missed but as of 2018 they have completed their mission:

Bountiful Gardens was started as an educational non-profit business in 1985 to provide access to vanishing heirloom seeds, and to raise awareness of the importance of seed-saving, organic methods, and open-pollinated (heirloom) seeds. Now these are all household words. Dozens of heirloom seed companies, seed libraries, and seed swaps now exist.

Listed on their website are some small companies they endorse, you can check them out here

2. Sandhill Crane Preservation
Putting this on the list because they have such a special collection of seeds and poultry. Although we have not yet ordered from them we are planning to this year! Sandhill

3. Arrowhead Alpines
From Asarum to Helleborus- and beyond... This company is very dear to my heart. My mother and I visited them years ago, they were friends of hers. These folks are true collectors and connoisseurs. Unfortunately the family suffered the saddening loss of one of the owners and founder due to cancer, he is sorely missed, but his legacy lives on. They are still open for business by nursery visit or mail order. If you're a plant-lover their online catalog is a MUST SEE. Arrowhead


What is YOUR favorite seed company to order from?


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