Just a Little More on the Patriarchy

So, I think I was pretty clear about how I feel on the topic in my last post. Honestly I really thought I toned it down, but well, I'm passionate. It's a blessing and a curse. I don't ever post videos on here. Honestly my jungle Internet prevents me from even watching pretty much all videos. However. Every once in a while a doozy comes along, and this is a good one! And you know it's good because the misogynists lined up to comment under the video.

Now, I don't honestly know a lot about Russell Brand or his politics. I know he made an absolutely lovely video after the birth of his first child that was all about what an amazing goddess his wife was and how magical birth is. So, obviously, the guy can't be all bad. My only issue in this video is that I don't think it makes sense to try to change this kind of thing through law. I think their intentions are good, and I absolutely love what Brand has to say, but I also think a boycott of offending companies or better educating children of the general disgustingness of advertising, particularly in the realm of objectifying people, mostly women, would be far better than creating more laws for people to fight and buck up against.

Anyway, it's a good video. Totally worth a watch!!

Sweden to Ban Sexist Adverts

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