Full Moon - Worm Moon πŸŒ•πŸŒΏπŸŒ•

β€œThe moon will guide you through the night with her brightness, but she will always dwell in the darkness, in order to be seen.”
― Shannon L. Alder



It may look like a scene from a creepy movie, but this was my drive home, about 200 feet from my driveway. The full moon was so fascinating on this night! I had read that the Native Americans called this a Worm Moon because it is the full moon near the Spring Equinox and the earth is thawing and the worms earthworms are coming to the surface. It is a good time to plant new endeavors. March will have two full moons. This one was on the first day and the second will be a blue moon on the last day. Poor February did not even get one full moon this year.

I was coming from town from an artists’ gathering on the square next to the courthouse. What a majestic sight it was through the tall windows of the gallery! My three year old granddaughter calls it β€œthe really pretty castle,” though it is not a castle many people enjoy visiting.



It guided my way safely home. Thanks for joining me!


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