Springtime - Love is in the air...or water

Springtime at Stillwaters Farm is when you can hear a distinctive chorus in the air coming from the pond...especially at night. Hundreds of toads find their way to the water and find a mate, or several mates if they are lucky I guess. When there is moonlight you can see flashes of light reflected from the water as they swim around. When daylight comes, you can walk around the edge of the pond and see the results of their nighttime orgys...strings and strings of eggs that look like little black beads strung in a transparent tube.


Here is a link to a little video that I did of them on Instagram. https://instagram.com/p/BhEusJ_FEuh/

Soon there will be thousands of tadpoles swimming around the edges of the pond eating the moss that grows there. Then their little legs will grow and their tails will disappear and a mass migration of half inch long tides will make their way out into the world. If they are careful not to get eaten or stepped on, they should converge back here where they were born to start the cycle again


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