Are We Making Progress?

Are you Awake?

We all walk around with our eyes opened, navigating our way as best we can.Most of us follow a routine everyday. We get up, wash, have some food and get to work. Maybe not in that exact order, but we do all work in some way or another. Whether it is in our home, away from home, on our land.

This becomes our life, our way of life.

Our lives can seem really full, full of purpose,with endless lists waiting to be completed. Having to prioritize in order to get it all done. We are all striving towards a better way of life, a better quality of life. And if we have already got there then we have to work to maintain it.

We all get wrapped up in our lives, we only really have this one,for now anyhow, so it's all about making the most of it. Isn't it?
No matter where you are right now, you want to be happy, to be fulfilled. I know that I do. I know that I like to move forward, to keep making progress.

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But at what cost?

Is our progress in the world harming anyone or anything? Do we even know? How many people go out and buy food, buy toiletries,buy any number of household items and have no idea what is in them. How they are made. We seem to have become very used to things just being there, having things working for us, without asking why or how. There is no surprise there really, most of us have attended mainstream schools, where questioning is just not encouraged. Instead we are taught to believe what we are told. Because at the end of the day isn't everything we buy, good for us. Surely if it wasn't we wouldn't buy it.

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Luckily we do have choices, we can choose to buy wholesome food, so that when we look at it we know exactly what it is we are eating. We can also choose to buy products that don't harm us and our family, products that do not harm the environment. Because if everyone is buying toxic products to clean their homes, to put on their skin, then that is a lot of toxins that families are being poisoned with, that our natural environment is being poisoned with. I hope we have not forgotten how our bodies absorb toxins.

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But even if we are slowly poisoning ourselves and the environment, we are making progress, aren't we? I mean look at how far technology has come. Look at how far we have come in relation to our health system. So what if more and more people are becoming sicker, so what if the pharmaceutical companies are more or less' running the world'. It's all in our best interests, that's what we are told. All in the name of progress.


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So what if we continue to destroy the planet, I mean as long as we are o.k, do we really need a healthy planet in order for us to be healthy.Surely we can continue to use the planet any which way we please, it is ours to begin with, isn't it. That's what we have been told. That's certainly the way that humankind has been acting. Living like the world is a machine, that it can just keep going and going and be fixed. That it is our machine. That we can cut down all the trees and pollute all the water and allow all the glaciers to melt. It's not really going to effect us and our very busy lives.


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Is this progress?

Thinking this way?

Completely separating ourselves from our natural environment.

Continuing to live our lives without asking any questions.

Allowing others to decide what is best for us, what our bodies need.

Continuing to put our faith in' professionals' who always follow the book and have been taught to never to ask questions.

I leave you all with the words of Jack D Forbes

"If a creature learns to completely accept captivity or slavery, if they erase all thoughts of freedom, they can suppress the pain. But if one wants to be free, one has to face the pain, one has to agonize, to suffer, through all of the terror. One has to face up to what has happened, to face up to one's complete degradation"

I am part of the ecotrain, if you wish to read great content and be inspired please check it out. It is one train that is full of very diverse and creative passengers.


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