Be The Change You Want To See!


Sometimes I get overwhelmed with everything that is happening in the world. Wishing I didn't always have this desire to be informed, to know what is happening.

Ignorance is bliss they say. But ignorance also makes you weak. It keeps us disconnected from one another. I feel it is important to be aware, because with awareness comes knowledge and with that knowledge we can become more empowered.


At the moment I am living in a place where I could easily turn a blind eye to a lot of things going on and just shut myself away.I am surrounded by mountains, where the pace of life is very laid back and the only traffic jams are caused by the goats we meet.

Most of the people around me are off grid and a lot are growing their own food and living in alternative dwellings. It feels very far away from what is going on out in the rest of the world.


Don't get me wrong, I feel very lucky to be here, my children have a lot of freedom to explore and also are able to learn many important life skills, that really are essential. But I really like things to be in balance and I really want them to have a realistic view of the world, a balanced view.

I do feel that they were getting that a lot more when we were nomadic. One of the main reason's I wanted to have my family living a nomadic life is that they could get to see the many different ways that people live, but also to realize how we are all so alike. I really would like to help bridge this divide that has come between so many people.

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I really am getting very itchy feet to get back out on the road. Being able to stop for a few days near some big towns or cities dip in and then out again. To be able to visit some squats and see what actions are taking place in local areas. Being part of movements that bring about awareness. But always returning to the wilderness to spend most our days.

I feel very satisfied being on this land also, there are so many citrus trees, nut trees and even some avocado trees. My girls get to go out and pick their own food when they are hunger and that is in itself a gift. It has been an amazing experience and in reality we can not move on just yet anyhow, but it will happen.

Balance to me is essential, because if we really want to bring about any change, we need to feel strong enough in ourselves to do that. We need peace and we need to be challenged. We need to be able to see both sides of the coin. We need, at times to move out of our comfort zone and get involved.

We are adaptable, some of us may have forgotten that but we are. It's evident when you look at all the different ways, that people here on Steemit live. The many choices that we all make. We are also very diverse and very capable of bringing about change.

We are all, part of this global community. We now have this responsibility to take active part in the shaping of the future that we wish to see. A future based on acceptance, peace, economic justice and respect for this beautiful planet we live on.

We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For.


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