So much of the worlds fresh water is held in dams, preventing the earth's water from flowing.

This is like a mirror image of ourselves holding on to everything. In some ways paranoid that we will lose all we have, if we let it go and end up with nothing. Afraid that we may become empty.

The water that is being held in Dams has a huge, impact on the surrounding environment. So much land loses it's life line, making it dry, losing it's vegetation, it's trees, eroding the soil. Leaving the land desolate. Yet dams are still being used and more are being created. Yet this post is not about dams. Instead it is about how the way we treat the environment reflects the way we are treated, and treat ourselves.

It is a call, for people to see the similarities, to make the connection, to start caring. To see how we are, as much a part of nature, as it is a part of us.

How in natures destruction we are destroying ourselves.

When we hold on to our emotions, when we bottle them up, we end up carrying so much with us, we end up weighting ourselves down. In doing this we stop our natural flow in life. When we are forced to control our behaviours in order to fit into society, we become in a sense dried up.

We lose our essence, our vitality. We become stuck and life becomes monotonous. We end up doing the same thing day in, day out.We become trapped in our lifestyle, just like the water is in that dam. And because of this the only thing we have left to hold on to, are our material possessions and hold on to them we do! It's the one little interlude we have, buying something new, it feels so good. It's a change, be it small, but it feels so significant.


Our bodies are build to move, to walk, to run, to dance to climb. To be active and when we stay active it is amazing how far our bodies can take us. Not only that but with that movement comes clarity. When things feel like they are getting on top of us, like they are caving in on us, it is the outdoors that we need to return to.

We need the space to breathe, to walk, to put things in perspective. When we are not caged in, we allow our thoughts to flow, our worries to find their solution. We become more creative, more productive.

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A couple of years ago I done a trek with my children (two daughters at that time), my friend and her son. My friend and myself each had a horse that we used to carry our supplies and to carry the children when and if they got tired. We walked almost everyday for nearly 2 months.

I have never felt as healthy, both physically and mentally as I did then.

We were trekking in the mountains and at times it was challenging. But by keeping moving, we overcame each and every challenge. We dealt with things when they came up, when you are moving physically, you are thinking fluidly.


Movement, I do write alot about movement,about flow, but to me it is the one thing that connects us to all things.

When we stop moving, when we start to deny that natural cycle of life we block that connection. It is still there but it becomes buried under so much stuff! Stuff that we fill our heads with, stuff that we buy.

It then becomes harder and harder to feel connected to the world we live in. This importance we put on all that stuff is because we know we are missing something and yet we cannot identify what it is. So many become isolated, feel so alone even though they live surrounded by people.

For me it is really important that we reconnect with the natural world. In doing so we can start to bring about change.

We need to bring the wilderness, the wildness back into our lives.

We need to stop trying to tame nature, to control it , we need to wake up and see, that, that is exactly what is being done to us, that our culture is one of obedience and control.

What we have been looking for, everything we need is inside of us, it is all around us, it is the life force that connects us all together.

We just need to open our hearts to it, open our doors to those around us and move.

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I am part of the #ecotrain, if you wish to read great content and be inspired please check it out. It is one train that is full of very diverse and creative passengers. And we all know that diversity is the spice of life.


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