Being a parent is a huge part of my life and it's a huge responsibility.

It's also something that most people have an opinion about. You can't seem to go out with your children without someone making a remark about their behaviour.

If your children are loud in public you get frowned at, whether they are having fun or upset because they are hungry. If your children are dirty, which mine are alot, some people see it as neglect.

I personally don't have any sugar in our home, and the response I have had from some people is that I am being mean. Suddenly strangers seem to know better than you about how your children should be raised. I've learned to ignore those comments, frowns and tuts.

But something that is harder to ignore is the hard time we give ourselves. This internal voice that can be very criticising, making us question whether what we are doing is good enough, that we are doing wrong by our children.

This voice of doubt, has usually been planted in our minds at a young age, when we were in school or by our parents. Being told we are below average, not making the grades we need to. We continue to experience them throughout our lives, but especially when we too become parents. Seeing our children naturally brings up memories of our own childhood.

We can choose to keep ignoring them, but they will always resurface leaving us doubting our abilities, questioning our decisions. Leaving us irritated, frustrated and impatience, exactly how we felt when we were told we were not doing enough. Or we can choose to deal with this part of ourselves and help us in our role as parents.

Acceptance is the key, accepting ourselves for who we are, acknowledging our feeling, our anger. Helping ourselves to be in the present and not step back into the past. As parents most of us are doing the best that we can and it is important to know that, that is enough.

I got into a conversation with a wonderful mama here on steemit, @solarsupermama about trying to be the perfect parent. To me this strive to be perfect is unhealthy for us and our children. When does it stop, you end up being competitive and obsessive and creating greater divides between us all. It can take over your whole life and you end up missing out on what really matters. Being on steemit is a great opportunity to reach out and support one another,

So stop trying to be perfect, Instead take time out, to listen, to look, to see all the beauty around you.

Connect with your heart, your intuitive, creative self, connect with your children.

Slow down, living is not meant to be hectic. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself to get things done, look to your children, witness them exploring the world, discovering things for themselves.

Be present, take a breath, connect with the natural flow of life, engage with and be connected with your children.

Accept yourself for who you are, both the good and the bad.

Stop ignoring or pushing away what you do not like.

This is who you are.

There may be things you want to work on in your life, but in this moment be kind to yourself.

Understand that You are doing the best you can do and you are enough!


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