I have been on Steemit for almost 6 months now and I have met some amazing people, read some very inspiring posts and learn so many new skills/ideas.
This platform has exceeded my expectations. I have never done any blogging before and I do not have a facebook account, so I did not really know what to expect.
I got introduced to steemit by @markwhittam, he was always so super excited about it when ever I met him and would encourage me to jump on board. I am very glad that I did.
I am writing this re introduction as it was something that was suggested by @eco-alex, who is the driver of the Great #ecotrain. I really feel honoured to be part of the ecotrain community, and to be on board with such amazing passengers. Who are always inspiring me and making me strive to do better. This train is all about finding ways to make the world a better place and for me that is what living is all about. So obviously I really wanted to jump on board. I am so grateful to @eco-alex for allowing me too. I am also really grateful for @likedeeler for always telling it like it is and making me smile very often, two great traits to have I believe. EcoTrain is now on discord, so please feel free to join us on here https://discord.gg/sxpEPJc
Who Am I?
I am a Irish woman living in Spain with my three beautiful girls, my partner, 2 dogs and 3 cats. I live in a big wooden horse box truck that is older than me, it is still being converted and the layout plans always seem to change, but then that is life isn't it! It is all about change.
Ever since I was a child I have always felt most at home in the great outdoors. It was my safe haven, away from an unhappy home. I would be gone for hours, roaming the countryside, happy to feel safe and be free. I grew up feeling very connected to the land and in my teenage years decided to stop eating meat. I believe my love for travelling and becoming nomadic stems from my love of roaming the countryside. I spend my twenties working and travelling.
When I turned thirty I was in Australia, I had bought my first van and I had begun to become active in Aboriginal rights. I applied for residency and planned on spending my years continuing to be active, but I then became pregnant and realized that I could not be active and a mum at the same time. So after living out of Ireland for over 11 years I returned with my first daughter in my womb. My partner likes to joke that I am like a salmon returning home to birth.
Returning to Ireland was a huge thing for me to do, but it felt right. I moved to Cork city with my partner and from the beginning I knew that I wanted a home birth. I loved being pregnant I had never felt so comfortable in my own sky. My birth did not turn out as I wanted it too, in the end it was very Traumatic for me. However it did send me down the road of learning all about birth rights and then becoming a Doula.
Not long after my Daughter was born, we bought a bus to live in. I wanted my family to travel, my daughter to grow up seeing the world , to be able to see how we are all so alike in so many ways and in the ways that we are not, that they are to be celebrated. Before I became pregnant again I found the time to do a permaculture design course and a green building course. For me Permacuture was like coming home, it really resonated with me. It is my way of life!
With my second daughter I did have a home birth, she was born in our bell tent next to the bus , across from the sea. It was such an empowering experience and very sacred. Whilst in Ireland I got back into in creating ceremonies, from hand fastings to celebrating the seasons. For me it is so important to celebrate in life, to come together and share space and play. This is something that is lacking a lot today, we need to play together more. Be in music, art, singing, games it's so important.
After my second daughter was born, we left Ireland for France, where I got involved in some projects growing food, building yurts. But most of my time I was being a mum to my girls, they have really shown me who I am. To be honest I am still really learning that. I feel very lucky that I can be with them and do not have to go off to work. but that was one of the reasons for choosing to live this way. As we live in a small space we don't need much, our money is mainly on food. I am a strong believer that you are what you eat. So cooking good wholesome food is a priority. I strive to eat mainly organic but unfortunately that is not always possible due to financial reasons.
I am a huge believer also in being open to change, to embracing change whilst always working towards a more harmonious relationship with our natural environment. How we chose to live our lives has a huge impact on us and the environment. For me living a minimalistic life is the best for me and my family.
After leaving France, we went to Morocco for a few months and had planned on going to Portugal but we ended up coming to Spain instead, and on coming here realized our new home, our Truck needed a lot of work. Whilst in Spain I became pregnant for the third time. My third daughter was born at home, an unassisted birth, where I was by myself up until my partner came and caught her right at the end. This experience, really reinforced what I already believed, that that a woman's body knows how to birth.
My passions in life are my family, my girls, birth and our home, this beautiful planet. These are the main things I write about here on steemit.
I have many goals in life, one is for my daughters to be free and chose how they wish to learn in life. To be confident and happy. To honour and respect themselves and others. When I talk of others I talk of the trees, the animals, the plants, of other people. Of every living thing.
Another is for woman to have the freedom to chose how and where they wish to birth their babies, to be fully supported during pregnancy and after birth.
The third, is that we will finally get rid of this dominant attitude over nature. We do not own this planet, it is not ours to abuse and misuse. We are a part of nature and what we do to it, we do to ourselves, this has always been very evident to me, but some feel very disconnected and see no connection between us and their natural environment. I have a strong desire to see everyone get in contact with their wild side.
The fourth is to in some way help everyone realize the potential that they have inside of them. To empower people, break down walls and bring us all together.
But all of that can change and evolve with time. Thank you to all the great people I get to connect with on here. I love to see all the amazing projects being set up and developed. One in particular is @familyprotection, as a mum this is something that is very close to my heart. It is really amazing to see what a group of people who are dedicated to a cause can achieve, it is very inspiring.
I have also recently joined #teamgirlpowa and #steamsugars and I am really enjoying getting to know some of the amazing people on there. I also decided to take part in the 100 day steemit school poetry challenge. Sometimes I feel like I have bitten off more then I can chew, but getting to write poetry everyday is actually really good for me, I am taking that time to be creative, to play.
Thank you all for reading, what has to be my longest post to date. I always plan to write a lot in each post, but sometimes I just have to keep it short as my girls need me. But today well I managed to just about cover everything, I think. I leave you with this poem I wrote for @sagescrub freedom challenge, which I think sums up everything I have just said.
I am a wild woman,
I am happiest amongst the trees.
I am a passionate woman,
A woman who cries when the time arises,
A woman who smiles when her children run Free.
I am a nomadic woman,
I like to roam and move about.
I am in flow, I get to watch myself grow
I am spiritual woman,
I create rituals,
Celebrating life and family,
Celebrating the Earth.
I am a quiet, silent woman,
Free to be who I am,
Not trying to please.
I am a woman who fights for birth,
for everyone to finally feel it's worth!
I chose to birth freely,
At home,
Embracing this wisdom my body knows.
I am a protective Mother,
Protective of my way of life.
Protective of the fact that my children get to choose,
The path they want in Life.
I am a human,
In this beautiful planet
I celebrate the seasons,
I celebrate rebirth,
I respect and honour our mother earth.
I am a walking, breathing, screaming, emotional being.
I express my freedom however I want,
led only by how I am feeling.
I am part of the ecotrain, if you wish to read great content and be inspired please check it out. It is one train that is full of very diverse and creative passengers. And we all know that diversity is the spice of life.