Why is it so Important to Meet People Where They are At?

Sometimes it's so hard to take a step back.

Watching from the outside it's easy to see the direction that someone maybe taking, yet they remain oblivious to that.

It's really important to accept people for who they are and not turn all self righteous and try to tell them how you think they should be doing things.

Life should not be about leading people by the hand!

We're living in a time when some people find it very difficult to truly think for themselves, they are so bombarded by advertising, by expert opinions on what success and happiness are and how to achieve them. This carefully crafted advice is being used to keep people in check. It's a follow on from school where we were conditioned to believe that all our learning has to come from external influences, from others who know better.

We're told to sit down, to be quiet and only speak when spoken to. We are subconsciously been taught to switch off our inner voice, our inner wisdom and become dependent on this man made hierarchy for all our needs. We are made to extinguish our intuitive selves.

Our true learning most come from ourselves. Our species cannot continue to suppress their inner voices that are crying out and making so many unhappy . we cannot continue to cover it up, to smother it by living in such a materialistic world. It's time to learn to be quiet and re teach ourselves to listen and hear that voice once again. We have so much to learn from our inner selves. There is no need to hide behind these walls of tat that we collect.

We are amazing powerful beings that hold the key to change. We need to stand together and not allow any of these imposed divisions to drive us any further apart.

It is okay to get annoyed with other people, it's okay to not agree and it's okay to let others make mistakes.

It's also good to remember to celebrate our differences,our diversity.

We need to move away from this culture of trying to control people and telling them what to do.

Whole lives, have followed that path of staying in line for far too long.

You want to help someone break away, then live by example.

Source: http://quotesfav.com

There is no need to shout and be forceful, as that's exactly how they got to where they are, in the first place.

Be present, be still and be part of the change that is happening.


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