The Good, The Bad and the Consciousness


Before I get into this topic, I'd like to say " THANK YOU " to everyone who left a sincere comment on my previous Article. I was away for several days but I did read through all the lovely feedback everyone gave me. It was quite helpful, for which I am grateful.

This article is dedicated to the way we perceive Bad and Good as standalone segments. I know that everyone has their own Unique way of perceiving Bag things in life and God things. But there is one middle ground where both meet up.

The Between


Our consciousness stands in between both playing fields. Be it bad or good. We can take it as a mediator or in simple terms the judge of both sides. But never the less, both sides are prefixes to one specific thing when we look at it from a third perspective.

For example, we have two people and one painting. One of them says that it is bad and he hates it, therefore everything that comes out of him will be "Negatively" polarized towards the painting.

On the other hand, we have another person who Loves the painting, hence, every remark he makes is positively polarized towards the painting itself.

Due to the separate judgment of both people, they can't interconnect. Something like the + AND -, both with different polarities.

Although this simple example is said only for a painting, the mechanic behind the whole concept can be perceived in countless things, some of them aren't even physical, yet the whole scheme is the same, some hate it, some love it.

But then

There is one simple thing that both sides are missing the point of. When one looks beyond the judgmentalism of both sides, be it good or bad, he is left with one single thing. And that is the painting itself. Bad or good, it is still a painting. Neither sides judgementalism would ever have the ability to change that structure.

And out of all of this, we make out that the concept of bad and good is just a simple polarity of expression that is related to personal criteria and in some cases even made out of demand.

For example if we look at professional photography and hobby photography. There is simply some demand which needs to be filled in order to classify something as professional, yet both are exactly the same thing.

Yet here comes the question.

What if hypothetically both people from the aforementioned example had no prefix to place and no judgment to place on the painting itself? If both parties saw it as nothing more than a "Concept", a.k.a "Painting".

That would change the whole field of perception into more complex and fluid structures.


When you judge something as "Bad" you would probably gravitate towards hatred and rejection. But that won't really change your circumstances because you are already looking at the damn painting, to begin with, same goes for the people that would say that it was good. That would gravitate them towards positivism, yet the one common thing both have is the fact that both sides will be looking at the same thing.

Out of all of this, we can take that the prefix is a choice which determines our future perception of things, be it paintings or anything else that can be judged bad or good.

Hopefully my theory was interesting to read <3

Thanks for reading!

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