My Evil PLan -- Unintended Poetry -- #EditedByClay

I’m a member over at The Writers’ Block discord. Great group of people over there and if you are at all serious about wanting to produce good written content, that’s the place to be.

The general chat gets a little crazy at times. All in good fun of course. This one dude that hangs out there, @damianjayclay who is known a @bigbadbear in the discord has this habit of turning our words into poems. He’s really into poetry in case you didn’t know.

We call them Unintended Poetry as they are comments we made in chat and he makes them into poems. Recently he nailed some of my comments. We were talking about some pictures that @bex-dx had taken and I made some comments on this one:

copyright @bex-dk

Yesterday morning, I apppeared in the chat and after a few minutes this got my attention:

My Evil Plan

The picture
looks like someone
took an image
from an ultrasound.

I thought it was pretty
cool when I saw it.

That may have been
my then coffee
deprived brain.

It does keep you looking,
doesn't it?

by @ShadowsPup - [PYPT Host]

So, in the tradition which has developed out of these unintended poems. I’ll be sending the SBD earned from this post to @tarc to help support it. @rhondak operates @tarc which takes in abandoned and abused animals in a community which not only doesn’t take animal welfare seriously but also doesn’t support those who.


steemit ramble

Until Next Time — Just Steem on

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