I am a full time working mom. Will homeschooling work for us?

The school year is just almost over. Last year, hubby and I got to a decision that we will homeschool our 8-year-old boy (will be Grade 3 coming SY). Our decision was mainly driven by the fact that our son has behavioral issues at school. There were no days during the first quarter that I did not expect not to have a note from the teacher narrating how uncontrollable his behavior had been.

Funny thing is, my husband and I cannot relate with the teachers very much because our son is very cooperative at home.

Well anyway, at one point I got fed up with all the notes going back and forth. I even felt that the school (or the teachers, for that matter) are not supportive nor patient with kids.

But now, I am having cold feet. Being a full time working mom, can I do it?

We are an expatriate family without a full-time house help. Just my husband and I.

We have 3 kids - 8, 3 and 1.5 years... imagine our daily commotion just to get things done!

I have started joining online communities on homeschooling to get ideas... it seems pretty tough, but right now, I really feel that this will be the best for my son. He is a very bright kid and I think that regular school setting is not bringing out the best in him.

We have contacted homeschooling accreditation partner, Homeschool Global Middle East (http://homeschoolglobal-me.com/) , and plan to enroll our son there. We will have an expert homeschool advisor to assist us in our homeschooling journey, not to mention the coops that are already here. But still...

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