Searching for more success in life and on Steemit? See this simple tool that will help you succeed

Many folks are whining bitterly due to lack of success online (and offline) especially when they see others making it daily. In my former blog post ( pls make sure that you read it see link  )  I used a very simple strategic management tool  : SWOT to analyze Strengths , weaknesses, opportunities and Threats and how it relates to us individually. 

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In this article, I will go further in problem solving by developing strategic options from an external-internal analysis using TOWS framework (which is like looking at SWOT In reversed orientation). Reason is that by analyzing the external environment: opportunities and threats and internal environment: strengths and weaknesses we can better see the big picture and thus come to a better pragmatic solution 


TOWS framework goes further than SWOT framework by helping you answer the following crucial questions:

  • How do you best take advantage of your strengths?
  • How do you bypass your weaknesses?
  • How do you best utilize your opportunities?
  • How do you mitigate and take care of your threats? 

Therefore by rearranging SWOT into TOWS, we can better answer the strategic questions which relates to our personal and business success. 


  • Strengths and Opportunities  : In this option, you should think of how to better use your strengths to take advantage of the opportunities (online and offline) opened to you. For example, if you are a very good artist, you can actually relate to many people online here via showcasing your talents via DTube or steemit blogs for example @skyleap is a great artist and he used steemit blog to showcase his work of art and thus won the respect of many steemians including @uwelang , @modernpastor and many others.
  • Strengths and Threats : In this option, you should think of how to use your strengths to mitigate potential threats that may come your way. For example, if you are a great communicator and community builder , you can actually use this strength to take care of issues relating to  potential job loss (if any) or new technology because of the wide range of contacts you built via your community - leading to many people with different talents and capabilities willing to help you succeed. 
  • Weaknesses and Opportunities : In this option you should think of using the opportunities opened to you to eliminate the weaknesses you are experiencing. Steemit, for example, is full of learning opportunities (cryptocurrencies, cooking, drawing , music etc) . Therefore if you are weak in any of these categories, you can actually learn about them for free especially cryptocurrencies and make a lot of money with the knowledge. 
  • Weaknesses and Threats  : In this option , you should think of what to do to minimize your internal weaknesses and avoid external threats. Procrastination, for example, is a big weakness for many people. Therefore if you can proceed with your good ideas without constantly postponing it, you will certainly circumvent failure and other threats that might come from not proceeding.

Conclusion: success online or offline depends on an individual willingness to work hard, talents, manner of approach and contacts. However understanding and using strategic management tools like SWOT & TOWS as indicated in this article will certainly be helpful .  

What do you think? Are any of the above factors relevant to you? Send in your comments and please would you up vote my post in order to send in your support, click follow in order to see future posts from me on your feed and resteem in order to share this post with your followers. 

Pls see my former post:  Do you want more success on Steemit? See this simple tool that will help you succeed Part1

 For those who want to be an investor in Bitcoin wallet see X coins link:   

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