What's Up With School, Anyway? Insight into the game--What it would be like to be a FREE child--The Joys of Unlocking the Genius Within!

Happy EVERything Steemians.  

I am grateful for another day to ReThink EVERything,

To question the status quo.

To delve deep into the ideas and beliefs by which I conduct my life.

To examine my past, consider the future, and live my present.

I have a fairly uncommon perspective on a lot of things.

One of the major shifts in my perspective from the norm, 

on which I have gained insight through personal experience 

and joyous passion, 

is my relationship with children.

!!! I live at the @gardenofeden where, for me, 

the true purpose is to  E M P O W E R  children.

I believe there is nothing of greater value or importance 

on the entire planet !!!

Most children in America attend "mandatory" institutionalized schooling without giving the alternatives deeper investigation.   "Mandatory" in this sense is a belief that most American's have, that attending school is a must, especially if you want to "get" anywhere in this world!!! 

In the knowing that the only thing we have is now, no matter where we are, we're still right here---hence, there is no place to "get"!

As intelligent beings, I also believe we can do better than what the current education system provides.  In fact, I don't believe it can be fixed.  The whole dysfunctional system must come down if we are to honor the children.

We must move through our complacent attitudes and rethink the possibilities.  We have greater options than school.  Even homeschooling is essentially just taking school home.

My involvement with an icon in the unschooling movement @quinneaker, and my experiences as a mom of 2 (now adult) unschooled children has provided me with a move evolved perspective. 

In this light, I will share a series of posts over several days that pertain to my perspective on schooling. (All of the graphics and photography from these posts are also my own original artwork and photography.)

Today's post is about my own experience with school and how the black and white life presented to me gave foundation for questioning the bigger picture . . . 

. . . Then my personal journey of standing in the purafire, burning out my old ideas and having to put my intuition into action for the freedom of my own children.

 The following posts in this series will include:

How Children Aren't Meant to be Treated

If There Should Be a School - What That Could Look Like

Imagining a Life of Freedom

Empowering a New Generation

If you're interested in my life at the @gardenofeden and what a new, 

expansive world feels like, 

check out my introducemyself post.

I welcome your comments and open discussion.  As I am PASSIONATE about children, I am grateful for the opportunity to share perspectives.  

Have a blessed day Steemians~~~go kiss your kids!


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