Ethics we have to learn.

Ethics refers to essential elements like specific values, rules and agreements people adopt for their wellbeing. Ethical choice reflects what is right and wrong. Here are three cases of ethical behavior. 

In Canada for all the professional careers, they have to pass professional ethics. Professional ethics is a compulsory subject. “What you do unto others is done unto you”. This is the golden rule of ethics.

Look at the following three different cases in different parts of the planet. Observe how ethics contribute to the well being and economic development of an individual and a nation.

Case 1 . Australia. One of my friend lives in Tasmania,  Australia. During his last visit he told me what the farmers used to do there.  In the morning the farmers keep their produce like eggs, vegetables and fruits in front of the farm in cartons with the price tag and leave for farming jobs. They leave a cash box too there. It is like a shop unmanned. In the evening they come back to collect the money and the unsold items. In the evening he tallies the account.

Case 2 .     In Canada I grow vegetables in the summer in front of my house. A young gentleman  in his 20's was passing by the road and stopped while I was watering the plants. He was returning home from music class. He told me his mother had a small garden before and he loves gardening. I offered him some vegetables. I collected a plastic bag and gave him a bag full of vegetables. The young man got surprised of my gift. In fact this is the first time we are meeting each other. Perhaps this may be the first time he may be getting something free from a stranger. He said  “I don’t have anything to  give you back” I told him it is free, it is my pleasure giving you free.  He looked around, put his hand in the pocket searching for money, but there was nothing with him. He had a guitar with him.  He asked me “shall I play a music”. I told him  "yes". He stood beside the road and played music with his guitar which he says one of Beethoven's composition. Mentally he wants to pay back. He feels he has to pay back for whatever he receives, which some people doesnot have. He wants to earn, rather than receive it free.

Case 3. Kerala, India.       A 83 year old mother lives alone in Trissur, Kerala. She had a drumstick tree full of drumsticks. She offered the drumstick free to a known friend in the neighborhood.. After a few hours the mother visited the location of drumstick tree. She got shocked to see that the whole drumstick plant is stripped out, and the branches are broken. The scene was a complete mess.  The whole tree is damaged and the  friend left without housekeeping too.

Look at the three ethical standards. 

1st case. In the first case, the farmer doesn’t have to waste his time to sell the produce. He saves the time and works in the farm so the farm produce become cheaper for the public. When people are honest and trust worthy this will work better. Everybody is in a win win situation.

The 2nd case tells a moral message. The youngster is not habituated to get free things. He has to earn it, though it is offered free. He is morally obliged to pay for whatever he receives.

The 3rd case shows I don’t care even if you lose, or the tree is damaged. I am selfish. No gratitude.   I don’t have to earn, I want free. This is my ethics.

I was forced to pay bribe to renew driving license in Kerala, to get property  document in order in the local village office. Twenty-five years back one telephone  Engineer threatened  me , he will disconnect the line if I did not pay bribe. He did it once, but could  not succeed much, since I approached PMG Trivandrum.  Recently I heard he died of heart attack before retirement in Mavelikara. Our politicians' mantra is  "come on  enjoy the party today", spend  public's money , make deficit, tomorrow somebody else will pay. Who will pay tomorrow ? Our children. Is this our Ethics. We claim  as "God's own country". Yes it is God's own country, but the country lacks godliness. 

We have to realize, having a govt. job does not mean to victimize the public, instead consider this as an opportunity to serve public. It is a relief that the young generation is  some what corrupt free.

In both the above 2 cases you can see there is development in society. They are obliged each other and keeps an ethical culture. We have to learn and practice this. Only then our society can develop. Stop saying "Give me, give me." Start saying  "take it." Learn to give whereever we are, whatever we can.

We create ethics for the society. We are the shapers of this society. Don't be a silent partner in this mad world. We are living for a purpose. Contribute something for the society we live in to make this world a better place to live in. Let it be sharing knowledge, time, or  any resource. Let it be a little smile on your face. It  can change the world. 

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