Day Six | Steemit Bootcamp for Underprivileged Kids

Exploring Youtube, Google Sites and Discord. And a lunch treat with The Autism Cafe Project.

Contents for Day 6:

  • Recap, Q&A on previous week contents

  • Your first payout and what to do with it

  • Youtube, dTube, Vimeo and other video hosting platforms

  • Setting up your Youtube Account

  • Recording your own mobile screen with Youtube Gaming

  • Bonus: Setting up your Google Sites for your Steemit posts

  • Hello Discord and fellow members of #teammalaysia

Assignments for Day 6:

  • Create and post a video content on Steemit
  • Or, produce a post related to Autism
  • Setup Google Sites for your Steemit Posts

Key Learnings:

  • Today's an exciting day, mainly because it's also payout day for the kids. Can't believe it has been 7 days since we started on the Steemit journey, and a few of them are literally counting down the time for their payout.

  • We got @bitrocker2020 as an additional resource speaker to share on his area of speciality - Youtube and Google Services.

  • He walked the kids through setting up their Youtube accounts, uploading their videos and even minor editing, so they can include their own videos in their Steemit posts.

  • As the kids are mostly gamers (some more leisure than the rest), @bitrocker2020 showed them how they can do game reviews and gameplay videos with YouTube Gaming. This opens up great content opportunity for the kids because in between their regular posts, photos and contests, they now have a new kind of content to explore. Since it taps on their existing interests, it makes the process a lot easier to pick up and executed. I could literally see their eyes lighting up just thinking about the possibilities.

  • Being an expert in Google, @bitrocker2020 also showed the kids how to setup their personal website with Google Sites. This allows the kids to expand their creativity further to personalised they sites using the tools they have learned so far in the program, like using Canva to design a personal header for their site.

    With Google Sites, the kids also learned an easy process of setting up a web presence, something they can expand to include their About Me page, photo galleries, video galleries, other social media presences and more.

    The kids were given the task to complete their site during their free time tonight.

  • We got also @davidke20 volunteering his time, experience and expertise with the kids!

  • After a week of using Slack, we exposed them to Discord today, so they can e-meet the other Steemians from Team Malaysia. The objective of me picking Slack initially is because it's a close group, and I get to monitor their progress easier. As the community was very active on Discord, I didn't want to overwhelm them in the beginning.

    At day 6, we figured it's a good time that they are exposed to other Malaysian Steemians so they can gain support from them, and also make new friends. Team Malaysia had been very supportive of this initiative, and we trust by connecting the kids to them, their growth on Steemit will continue.

    Due to some IP issues, they couldn't create their Discord accounts all on the spot. It was a lesson for us because we haven't done a session on Discord in a mass setting before, and it's probably better for them to setup their account before the session.

  • I bought a Nasi Lemak lunch today for them, as a treat since we used the delicious, mouth-watering local delicacy a few days ago. They all enjoyed it because it's something out of the ordinary, but it also comes with a learning point.

    You see the meal was prepared by The Autism Cafe Project, and while some of the kids indeed do come from underprivileged backgrounds, they did not have to face similar challenges as autistic kids. It was the topic assignment for the day for them to research and write on, as a means to show them values such as:

    • Gratitude - no matter how bad their situations can be, they will always be others worse that them. By no means is it supposed to be a competition or a benchmark of misery, but rather, it's to let them know that they can count their blessings, and work harder on their own even with the limited resources that they have. This will fortify their persistence and grit, two characters which are foundational for success in life.
    • Caring - To practice generosity, and extend a hand to others in need. To care is not about being able to donate sums of money. Sometimes, it's the time and effort that creates the most impact.
    • Self-leadership - Taking responsibility for one's attitude and actions. This is to encourage them to think like a victor, instead of a victim of their circumstances. It's about being proactive, taking the lead when needed, and doing something to improve the situation, rather than just giving up without trying.
    • Social responsibility - Giving back to society and causes is a humbling experience, and I want the kids to develop the awareness for it. Though it wasn't indicated, I wanted to see if any of the kids are willing to part with their hard-earned SBD so they can donate to causes they care about. It doesn't have to be for Autism projects, but any that they have an affinity with.

Today is a day that I taught the least, but the kids learned a lot from @bitrocker2020 and @davidke20, experienced members of the local community. They get to see Steemit from a different perspective as well, and most importantly, put a face to the @handle they had been observing over the past week.

I'm also glad to see the kids adjusting well to going up to strangers on Discord (within the Steemit Community) and making connections. I sincerely believe the ability to make a cold introduction is crucial for their success in life, because I observed of the many successful individuals I know, their network determines their network.

Your Network will Determine Your Networth

Tomorrow is the day they had been waiting for - withdrawal. Probably gonna have a talk with them on responsibility before that, although it's inevitable that they have a choice to utilise their earnings as they see fit.

A lesson on self-control, delayed gratification and responsibility, maybe?

Check out the previous post(s) in this Steemit Bootcamp for Underprivileged Kids Series:

  • Day Zero | The lead-up and Preparation
  • Day One | Introduction to Steemit, the kids' first #Introduceyourself post, and no way a combined SBD133 of upvotes on the very first day!?!!?
  • Day Two | Interests, Format & Structure
  • Day Three | Grounding and be Grounded
  • Day Four | Canvas, Chats, Contests & Courtship
  • Day Five | The Stalker Techs of Steemit! And the legendary dreaded question.

Wait, why's Mav posting on Steemit nowadays?

Well, unlike other blogging and social media platform, Steemit is the only platform that allows me to earn cryptocurrency when I engage with it. Yup, one Steem is about USD7, and you, too, can earn Steem Dollars every time you:

  • Create content (articles, blog posts, podcasts, videos, photos)
  • Upvote (like) other people contents
  • Comment on other people's posts
  • Have discussions, share opinions etc!

Yup, basically it's the very same thing you're doing on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc all along!

The only difference? For once you can earn a nice income on the side!

Sign up for a free Steemit account, and you can thank me by coming back and upvoting this article. And guess what, you will earn Steem too for doing that! #awesome


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