Is Nature the best teacher? 서대문 안산


I want to fly like an eagle. Let my spirit carry me. Time keeps on slippin', slippin', slippin', into the future. (Steve Miller)

I had enough time on this computer. I really like Groovy School and interacting with comments but I need to be recharged and consider this in a new light. It is the perfect time to take a walk. I went together with @artjohn and discovered some wonderful things about life and education.


Here on the mountain what seemed to be a big problem pushing in my face was actually nothing compared to the massive mountains in the distance. This may be troubling at first glance but there is some hope here in perspective. I paid too much attention to MY problems not giving consideration to the reason why these problems are here, what I can learn and grow from them and what blessings and opportunities I have to be thankful for.


Life is very much about balance. I have been trying too hard at everything. I try to get the approval of others when all I need to do is be myself. For 20 years I lived like a hermit in Korea but for the first time I am sharing part of myself in this blog. I get lots of suggestion. My wife suggests that I quit. She is right in some way. I need balance as a father, teacher and now as a blogger. In this busy life I want to create new art and beautiful things but I am just getting started and sometimes things don't work out. In nature I begin to realize it is all part of the journey. When I listen to nature I hear the birds. Some of them sing and chirp and others squawk with an irritating voice. The whole forest has a balance. Even the hikers balance the stones and not one stone is turned over. The balance is so delicate but that rock does not fall down.

The mountain sets us free us from the illusion that life is all about what we do down in that big city. Every day the stress and drag is grueling. Every one is scampering to get something finished when really nothing gets done. If you look in the distance from the mountain you will see the 123 floor Lotte Building standing at more than 500 meters, but in only looks like a spec. Everything that seemed so important really seems like children's toys. There stress runs away.

Fly like a bird.


The mountain gives us strength to take action one step more than we thought we could do before. It has been so long that I went up this mountain. I had laryngitis and health problems since October and found no strength to get up that mountain for the past 6 months. Even my kids started to complain that a year ago I used to take them to lots of places and go to the mountain everyday but I lost strength to get out there. I became stuck in a rut and could not change. Then Steemit happened. I learned new things every day but I also learned to challenge myself. In doing so I found joy in writing poems and painting some pictures and made recordings. I liked the opportunity that dsounds gave me. I also like making friends around the world. It is so exciting to take the challenges together. Now I am healthy enough to step outside and enjoy time with my kids. I may not blog here as often as I used to. I will still do Groovy school but it will be even more cool.


That's @artjohn on the rock. He zooms over the mountain like ironman. I am so thankful for him and our family. We brought home a few signs of life from the mountain. My youngest son started to paint them. The mountain continues to give. There is never any time to go to the mountain and no energy to get over there but that is all the illusion and lay of the dark valley.

This is our Groovy School answer to Nature verse Nurture.

Nature nurtures me.

In late winter the ground is dry and the wind blows cold
The few signs of spring are sunlight and some green
In the valley are bustles of ants marching to and fro

Busy with meanderings and capital decisions
Anxiety eats away the noble hearts of the villagers
They pray, "can there be another way?"
Look up to sky count the stars that you see

Take a breath and walk outside
The land I give to you in its full
Lift up your eyes to the mountaintops
See the life you left behind
Begin this voyage with me

Fierce winds lash from the peak
The climber is not dis-swayed.
Humbled in the presence of majesty

Troding pilgrimage toward the summit.
Step by step through rocks and crags
Reaching the top is not the end
Life is the journey

Thank for dropping in Groovy School.

What can you learn from nature?

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