There is no school equal to a decent home...

Schools suck. I hated them as a kid, and hate them even more as an adult and as a teacher. It's a place where young and innocent children are victimised by a system that is built to support only a few. It's a system that is not built for equality or diversity. It's a system that shapes children's outlook on life so they end up measuring their worth and their abilities through the grades they get, how much their teacher likes them and whether they are popular or not amongst their peers.

Schools are designed like asylums, and are built to mirror society. I plan to write more about schools, but now that it's the beginning of the school year in so parts of the world, I wanted to remind parents the value and merit of homeschooling. Children thrive when they are given love, attention and proper guidance. School teachers, even the best ones, cannot divide themselves into 25 or 30 so your child, and despite his or her teachers' best efforts, cannot reach their full potential. This is why homeschooling is the solution to so many school related problems.


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