Education For Charity Part1

Reflect upon with real chicks, that you have been given a grace in the form of health and opportunity. Should thou do not waste the two pleasures of it. Use them as best we can make them more useful for your life, both in the world and in the hereafter

Thou shalt not pass your time a day without it anyway. You shall not use the treasure to something that does not produce. Actual age it could be shorter if you only spent on something useless. Treasure on the wane if not spent towards something that generates. And sensible people be glorious if utilizing yesterday morning with something that can provide benefits for himself with something that can provide benefits for himself and will invest his money for something that can deliver the advantage for him.

Charity is one of the ways to capitalize on the two occasions that I have mentioned above. There are many people who have an excess of treasures so easily he could use for charity, as long as it is done by a steemian named @damarth, he is always looking for people who are in need of food in her posting, or looking for someone who could help him convey his deed to the people who need food.

However, do not always have to be with the material (money), the work can be done with anything that bring benefits to others, for example, provide a useful science in the lives of others.

I own over this charity by providing education to people in need of education but not for this long they get from government schools. As I often explain to posting my previous post. Here I describe one of charity education program which I did in the institution that I founded

Community Illiteracy

The institution that I woke up inside there is a program whose name Literacy Education or illiteracy, i.e. learning efforts to cultivate and develop the ability of reading, writing, arithmetic, and speaking in Indonesia with the functional value of content for efforts to improve the quality of life and livelihoods of citizens or for those who don't yet have the skills of literacy in the context of lifelong education

Community illiteracy is a term used to describe the ability of reading and writing are not yet sufficient to meet the needs of daily living. It is the same with illiteracy in the meaning limited, which means the inability to read or write simple sentences in any language. The offending population illiteracy which is still quite large, this is due to several factors. For example, it is still the onset of school-age students who are not accommodated in elementary school. There are also residents from the beginning is not the school for various reasons, such as economic circumstances of families and geographical conditions. There is also a population that has attended the program for the eradication of illiteracy, but residents back into illiteracy because less intensively nourishes the ability his/her literacy

The goal of the program is that I do are:

  1. Increase knowledge of reading, writing and arithmetic as well as functional skills to enhance his life;
  2. Dig the potential and resources of existing life surroundings about learners, to solve the problem of literacy

Or whether successful educational program that I do can I measure with the indicator of success, namely the achievement of the following things

1. The ability of the individual for the purposes of functional 2. functional Capabilities to help his children 3. functional Ability for self-actualization 4. functional Ability related to the work of the citizens learn 5. functional Abilities related to social development 6. functional Capabilities related to education 7. functional Ability related to the management of the study groups; and 8. The ability of the functional numeracy relates to everyday life.

In seeking success as I pointed out above, I have a few strategies I use, one of which was either using local languages so that illiterate communities better able to absorb learning from me:
How to get creative with the use of local languages as Functional Literacy Learning Model
In eradicating illiteracy, the role of the use of local languages are also very important in the learning process, because local languages are the mother tongue, the language first learned in the family environment, regional language plays an important role in the process the education of the nation. The language area can be used as the language of instruction of learning disabilities for the illiterate scripts. In addition, tutors must also pay attention to the local context i.e. learning based on your interests, needs, experience and local issues, because the citizens are learning generally live in rural old age don't understand if the submission of material by He said using the language of Indonesia.

The model approach with mother tongue or regional language in learning is recognized is very effective in accelerating the understanding and capabilities of citizens learning simple sentences in writing, reading and counting.
For example, when solving the problem using tutor counts the story are familiar with everyday life with an introduction to the Java language like: mom purchase eggs 5 round, broke one so the rest is how. On the Board of the tutor will ask the citizens learned to write in the form of numbers and letter. Understanding the characteristics of the citizens learn about tutor very helpful.

Another example: for instance the tutor mentioned the word T-E-L-U-R, sometimesresidents learn not knowing what it was egg and of course it's hard to remember that Word, so that the tutor using regional language i.e., B-O-H-M-A-N-O-K, the word "Boh Manok" is a Word from the language of Aceh most citizens can understand and learn to understand the meaning conveyed by the tutor. With the use of local languages as exemplified above, are expected in the process of teaching and learning could be run smoothly with the risk of understanding in tutors deliver more material could be slightly reduced.


In the absence of the use of local languages in the process of learning, teaching and learning processes may be into a functional literacy program will not run smoothly, due to carry out a community-based programs such as literacy functional, must see in advance the conditions and needs of the citizens of his studies. Because, if the Government or tutor less understanding of the condition and needs of the citizens of his studies, then any such a program would not be able to succeed and if it succeeds, the result will not match what is expected by the Government as implementing the program.

Providing education to people who are illiterate is not an easy thing, a lot of the problems I faced in carrying out this program, which are:

  1. Many people disabled, illiteracy was too old so the ability to absorb more slowly science, not to mention suffering from eyesight because of their age who are no longer young.
  2. lack of interest in learning to follow the eradication of illiteracy. Those who did not join the majority has its own busy life like working in the rice fields or becoming a homemaker.
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