Tired of Making Poor Decisions? A Framework For Decision Making to Create a Better life (Step 2: What Do We REALLY Need)

Holistic Life Design: A Framework For Decision Making to Achieve Freedom.

How I Make Decisions To Better Get What I Need

This amalgamation of processes helped me to fundamentally change my life. It assisted me in discovering novel and effective methods for meeting my needs, thus freeing up more of my time to play, love and create. This allowed me to spend more time designing a better world and a better me, which in turn helped me to make better decisions, which in turn freed up more of my time (a beneficial feedback loop).

This process is essentially a software update for the mind!

Yup, essentially like this.

These tools and mind hacks are not mine, merely ones that I have learned about and attempted to apply and adapt to my life. It has been incredibly helpful, even though I don't believe I have even left base camp!

Invest Some Time

Sorry folks, this isn't a 'quick fix' scheme. When you update your software you need to stop what you're doing and reset!

This process gave me exponential returns on my time investment! Almost a secure as cryptocurrency ;)

When I first did this (when it had the most impact) was during a 2 week fast. I focused on this whenever I felt inspired during those weeks. However, I have seen people gain great benefit in an afternoon/evening dedicated to the process!

Each step builds on the preceding and previous steps.

So, don't hesitate to add more to step 1 as you focus on step 2.

This is a continuance of: Tired of Making Poor Decisions? A Framework For Decision Making to Decide a Better Life (Step 1: What Do We Have)

Step 2: What Do We Really Need

How can we better meet our needs if we don't know what they are?

When I was first challenged to identify my needs, I felt it was such a simple question that I didn't even bother providing an answer. However, when I decided to actually write them down I was surprised how little I knew about such a simple aspect of my life.

What do I need?

Initially, I thought money! But, I don't need money. I need what money can sometimes get for me...

We need to talk in concrete terms (same as step 1 where we realized what we actually have). Here we seek to discover what we actually need.

So, let's begin.

After I thought money, I then thought about what I learned in basic psychology.

There are Maslovs' basic human needs:

Then, Tony Robbins added a few of his own basic needs:

Further, I am a student of Non-Violent Communication and this framework for communication is predicated on an understanding of our needs as well. I gained a lot of insight into this process and looking at some of these suggested needs.

Although many of these needs apply to all humans, each person determines which level of importance (usually based off how unmet the need is) each need gets. This scale will change as our lives and environments change.

My Needs

This chart is an example of some of my needs I've identified. I highly recommend making one that is specific for you!

NeedExpressionMethods to Meet
DiversityVariety, Adventure, Challenge, Surprise, etc
SignificanceSelf - Expression, Meaning, Validation, Feeling Needed, Purpose, Wanted, etc
LoveConnection, Communication, Intimacy, Interdependence, Community, etc
GrowthPhysical, Emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual Development
ContributionEffectiveness, To Give, Care, and Serve an Idea Greater Than Myself
RoutineConsistency, Stability, Grounding, etc
Physical HealthClean Air, Organic Food, Fresh Untainted Water, Exercise, Sexual Expression, Natural Shelter
AutonomyFreedom, Space, Independence, etc
PlayJoy, Humour, Passion, Creativity etc
HonestyAuthenticity, Integrity, Presence
BlissCelebration, Nothingness, Relaxation

You may notice that some needs seemingly contradict each other (ex: Consistency & Variety). It's the balance of these needs we aim for.

In the graph above, I left "methods to meet" unfilled as this is the basis of step 3 and 4! First, is identifying what our needs are, then it's about utilizing various tools and techniques to help us make decisions to better meet our needs!

Determining Our Needs

Meeting our needs is the basis of happiness.

People typically respond with "happiness" when asked what they want most out of life.

Well, what is happiness?

I believe it is simply a state of being when our needs are truly being met.

So, essentially this step is building a road map to happiness!

Teasing out our needs may be a difficult task! I know it was for me. First, let's write down any ideas you may have now. Then, go through the information presented above and select anything that resonates with you as a need.

  • How many of these needs are being met in your life?
  • How about a needs you wrote down before, did you find it in the information?

Understanding our needs is a critical step to better meeting our needs. If you didn't find your pre-written need above, it may not actually be a need (however, it can be). Sometimes, we mistake wants and tasks with needs.

I want to share a final thought with you that will help with this step. That is on addiction.


We're all sinners, and we don't even know it.

'Sin (archery): An act or state of missing the mark!'

My definition of a 'sin' is pulled from archery in which 'sin' is simply an act or state of missing the mark. There is a considerable amount of human capital being committed to 'sins', meaning missing the mark of truly meeting our needs. Any destructive (self-attributed), action or addiction is a 'sin' as it is not truly meeting our needs.

"In all things - bread, wine, sex and so on - there is satiety. Our needs our limited, and when we have full field them, we turn to other things and are moved to generosity. But of money, there is no satiety. It is not the propensity to consume that bears no limit, to the contrary, limitless desire arises with money. After attaining a surfeit of consumables, people covet money itself, not what it can buy, and this desire has no limit." -Charles Eisenstein The Ascent of Humanity

This may be why so many people today say they're unhappy. They are simply not getting their needs met.

That is all for step 2

In the next steps, I'll help you see how much time you may be spending not actually meet your needs (how many sins you may be committing)

This process takes a time investment to properly do and is an extremely powerful step all on its own!

I'll be releasing step 3 tomorrow. This should be enough time to complete the first steps. If you would like me to tag you in the next release, just let me know in the comments!

These steps are typically found in life-building/design courses, (some courses cost thousands of dollars and weeks of dedicated effort). The benefits you gain following these steps is exponentially proportional to the capital (time) you invest! Fortunately, this knowledge doesn't cost anything else!

When you complete this step feel free to share in the comments your insights and ask any questions you may have!

Previous Step:

Tired of Making Poor Decisions? A Framework For Decision Making to Decide a Better Life (Step 1: What Do We Have)

Let us continue to grow in abundance!


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