What is a Super Teacher?

Hi, my name is Francois Naude and I am a Super Teacher!

“What is a Super Teacher?” I hear you ask. We’ll get to that in a moment. But first! Think back to your school days… What feelings come to mind? Are you smiling because the fond memories of classroom antics and the laughter of your friends are coming to the fore? Or do you still experience the fear and anxiety associated with exams? Either way, all of us have one thing in common. We all spent the good part of our childhood and teenage years in school. All of us were shaped and influenced by the actions of our teachers.

In my case, I was privileged enough that most of my teachers were decent at their job. They knew their content and did an honourable job of presenting the content in such a way that my classmates and I could pass a test or two. But when I think back I only remember two types of teachers. The ones that made my life a living hell and the ones whose classrooms were the highlight of my school day. There were a bunch of other teachers, whom I struggle to remember.

Little did I know when I was at school that I would one day have a classroom of my own. I never wanted to become a teacher. But the appeal of 4 holidays a year and having a half day job was just too great to ignore. See I was an extremely lazy student who only did the bare minimum to ensure I got good grades. So, a job that does not require me to work all day every day would suite my personality perfectly. Boy, was I in for a surprise…

After teaching my first class I fell in love with this profession! And I never want to stop teaching. Ever!!!
My passion for my profession was rewarded in 2012 when (at the age of 27) I won the National Teachers Award for excellence in secondary school teaching. This achievement lit a fire under me. I wanted to inspire and motivate other teachers to become Super Teachers.

However, my interactions with other teachers made me realise that the challenges that I experienced in my classroom was not unique and that there are a multitude of administration related distractions for teachers. I just wanted to teach! I quickly realised that teachers lose their spark because of the myriad systemic issues in education.

It is for this reason that I started Super Teacher Solutions. My goal is to assist teachers in finding solutions to these systemic challenges so that they can focus one their primary goal: Educating the future generation!

Super Teachers go way beyond the call of duty and education has become their lifestyle. They want to make school fun again.
I use this website and other social media platforms to share my thoughts on what teaching should be.

If you share my philosophy, I’d like you to join the league of Super Teachers!

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