A cause I believe in the School for SDG4

Have you seen this blog yet? @schoolforsdg4
If you haven't then let me tell you a little about it. It starts with a user name @azizbd who is Mohammed Abdul Aziz , he has established a school for the children in Sylhet, Bangladesh. Before this school opened up these children and many like them were forced to go to work.

image sources School for SDG4

These children also don't have much to eat and though at this point he hasn't be able to provide food daily he has established a weekly fruit program and when the funds are not there he uses his own money to make sure these kids get fresh fruit to eat at least once a week.

All children should have access to an education and food. Sadly that isn't always the case in many places around the world and it is good people like @azizbd doing good work that makes the world a better place. Everyone can help this causes even if they don't have money to give. By upvoting this post you will be helping SDG4 all monies raised from this post will be donated to SDG4. And you can help out by following @schoolforsdg4 and upvoting the articles that are submitted there as all money from that pages helps fund the school.

And if you have the extra money consider a direct donation to @schoolforsdg4 even if it is just a little bit because it all adds up, and it takes a village and @azizbd and these children are apart of ours now. So I hope others will see it like I do and help our community. School for SDG4 is making a difference in 50 children's lives that live in poverty most of us have never known and we all can make a small difference that turns into a big impact.

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