Words to Learn: Flotsam

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Patience is a Virtue

While you all wait patiently for me to write another Unofficial Write Club update (which may not be till this weekend), I thought I'd partner with my two buddies @jayna and @caleblailmusik and bring you a Word to Learn!

Here's the dealio (yes, I actually said dealio): In these series of posts we will share a word, it's pronunciation, definition, how it's used, and provide examples. The aim is to help enrich each other's vocabulary, and what better place to do it than on such a great platform as Steem where multiple cultures and languages are present.

The More the Merrier!

If you would like to participate with us, here's the format to follow, quoted from @jayna's post:

Provide the word, the pronunciation, the definition, a description of how and when to use it, and a few examples of sentences. You may also want to list any other forms of the word, and a description of what you like about the word. Then please use #learnwords as one of your tags, which I've made up for this purpose.

The word flotsam

  • Pronunciation: This word is pronounced "flot-suh m."
  • Definition: This is an noun that means the part of the wreckage of a ship and its cargo found floating on the water.
  • How to use it: This word can be useful if you just want one word to refer to all of the pieces of a wrecked ship or waste on a beach or in the water. It can also refer to useless or unimportant items, or a vagrant and penniless population.
  • Another form of the word: There is none! Just flotsam.
  • Example sentences:

Striving to keep the beach clean, Sarah worked hard every day clearing the flotsam brought in by the tide.

She tried to catch a glimpse of the creature through the dark waters, but the flotsam floating around kept her from seeing anything.

...the flotsam of the city slums in medieval Europe (this example is from dictionary.com)

(Yeah I know, these aren't very good examples but you get the idea!)

Fun bonus: The word flotsam can sometimes be confused with jetsam, which is goods that are deliberately thrown overboard and washed ashore. (Boston Tea Party, anyone?)

This has always been a fun word to me ever since I was a kid and my favorite Disney movie was "The Little Mermaid". Remember Ursula's electric eels? Yep, their names were Flotsam and Jetsam!

Thank you for reading! I look forward to sharing more words with y'all! And remember, if you want to participate, just follow the outline above and use the tag #learnwords

If you ever need help brainstorming, critiquing, or just wanna chat with a bunch of crazy writers, come join us at The Writers' Block on Discord!


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