An entry for @olegw's I love the 80s contest. Sometimes things get posted from ye olde "personal collection", the odds and ends of things that have some weird non financial value (see Right On!, Fox Kids Club, Life Sucks Die, and EGM). The submission for this contest is a very odd comic book based on an odd 80s television show called ALF (alien life form) about a puppet alien that likes to eat cats and lives with a "normal" earth family (you can watch the first full episode on DailyMotion if you dare).
Issue #6 of Alf was released in the year of our lord nineteen hundred eighty-six, is written by Michael Gallagher and drawn by Dave Manak and Marie Severin. Go ahead and take a second more to soak in the names on that sexy celeb list on that cover above, and now let's take a quick peak at some random things within this issue.
Based on history books I have read, in the above panel you can see a family in the same area of the home interacting together at the same time, kind of, very 80s.
Bad drawings instead of photographs to represent products in comic advertisements, while I don't know of any specific date it ended, I believe by the 90s this practice is mostly phased out.
I don't keep up with medicines but I assume modern science has solve the "zittles" and thus why we no longer see news about this.
Newspapers, that was a thing.
While some refer the the Konami Code as the Contra Code, Contra was actually the second game to feature the up up down down blah blah boring nerdy info go Wikipedia this isn't a facts blog post.
That Larry Darryl Darryl stood out so much I had to Google it, eh, not sure if worth it. Just Google any name you don't recognize on that list above and you can easily fall into a pit of "holy shit this was a popular person?" I'm confused why Paul Simon is on there twice but I am not even sure if Google will just correct me if I type his name twice, let's just move on..
(wtf, while scrolling up and down this post to edit before hitting the "Post" button, just noticed Ralph Macchios name on there twice too)
"The Challenge Will Always Be There"
Just a random shot of the back cover page, fitting ending, one of the most popular 80s toys, G.I. Joe, needed you to become a Joe! Only $7.50 plus $1.50 shipping and handling.
Vintage Ads from 1981 - THE HULK vs. THE PHOOMIE GOONIES
Comic Crossovers That Really Happened - Mars Attacks The Savage Dragon from 1996