Trump, the son of the Devil.

President of an organization that bears his name, television host in The Apprentice and rich entrepreneur, Trump is a candidate in the Republican primary for the presidential 2016, when it hopes to be elected to "make America great again."

According to some surveys, Trump would at the time the preferred candidate by conservative voters.

His public appearances, however, have discredited ideas and the values ​​with which Trump would like to "resurrect" his country. In his sample it all: ignorance, racism, sexism, stupidity, conspiracy. Here are some of his most absurd public appearances.

Trump and Muslims

After the attacks in Paris and San Bernardino, Donald Trump has called for a "complete and total closure" of US borders to people of Muslim faith. According to the candidate in the Republican primary, this new anti-Islam policy would be necessary "until we are able to determine and understand the problem, and the dangerous threat that arises."

Trump also added: "Our country can not be a victim of horrific attacks by people who believe only in the jihad, and have no sense of reason and respect for human life."

For several years, Trump theorized the existence of a "Muslim problem" in the world. In 2011, interviewed by Bill O'Reilly on live TV, the question "is a Muslim problem in the world?" He replied: "Absolutely. Absolutely. I do not seem to see Swedish citizens who throw down the World Trade Center."

In the UK, the activist Suzanne Kelly has launched an official petition asking Parliament to prevent the entrance of Donald Trump on British soil. The petition, launched before the last American entrepreneur racist utterances, today flies to half a million supporters. Each petition that exceeds 100,000 signatures - so this - is evaluated by English Rooms as a possible subject of a parliamentary debate.

On December 7, Trump has criticized Barack Obama for having reminded that many American sports champions were Muslims. On Twitter, the Republican candidate was asked "to whom he was talking." Many users responded to the tweet, reminding Trump the names of some excellent sport Muslim Americans: Mike Tyson, Shaquille O'Neal or Muhammad Ali.

Trump and Internet

If terrorists will "recruit" on the web, how can we stop them? If children want to emulate the fundamentalist fighters, what we can change his mind?

Trump has an imaginative solution: "Close that Internet in some areas, in one way or another." This was said during a rally in South Carolina. To succeed, The Donald would like to seek help from Bill Gates-evidently think that the Microsoft founder possesses the 'keys' of the web.
more than "close Internet" perhaps should quit Twitter account of Trump. or, as suggested the founder of Amazon Jeff Bezos, send it in space. very, very long...

Trump and the woman.

The offensive rhetoric and retrograde Trump on women is fueled by a rich, rich succession of public-a most disgusting of the other outputs. A rhetoric made lewd comments of a sexual nature, but more often insults.
His approach 'macho' to life and politics - the man's image of success, which controls and subjects - is one of the constants of his career, in business since the early days and on television. For example, when he said that Bette Midler is a woman "very bad".
Or when he said that all the women participating in the talent TV show led by him, The Apprentice, they had "in one way or another flirted with me-consciously or unconsciously."

Trump, Hillary and sex.

About women, Hillary Clinton remains a favorite target of Trump. This is a retweet, then deleted, published by the entrepreneur - and his staff - on profile Twitter: "If Hillary Clinton can not even satisfy her man, what makes you think we can meet America?".

Here the reference, even then too veiled, it is to sexgate that in the 90 involved the former US president and an employee of the 22 year-old White House, Monica Lewinsky.

Trump and Mexican.

"When Mexico sends his people here, they are not sending the best. Do not they send you, or you. They're sending people full of problems, and these people bring their problems here. They take drugs. They bring crime. They are rapists . And some, I think, are good people. "
This is an excerpt of the speech with which Trump, in June, he announced to want to nominate for the presidency. A great start, no doubt about it.

In September, to revive his anti-immigration policy, announced to want to build a "big, big wall on the southern border of the United States." And he added: "I will make sure that Mexico pay for that wall."

Trump and Global Warm.

In order not to miss anything, Trump has also managed to challenge the theory - scientifically proven - global warming. For him, the fact that climate change is "bullshit that needs to be stopped, the planet is freezing, temperatures are at historic lows"
What's more, Trump has figured out exactly who gave rise to this fantasy. According to him, it's all a clever idea of ​​Chinese.

Trump and the Handicap

In November, Trump has imitated a reporter from the New York Times with a severe form of disability, arthrogryposis.

The images, in itself, appear quite explanatory. Yet Trump defended himself by saying: "I said that phrase in a very expressive, and someone said that I was kidding. I would not take ever around someone with these difficulties. I would never do."

Many observers have called the imitation of Trump as the "new low point" which he reached during the election campaign.

There will be others?

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