This is not my work - the original can be found at comment #17 on this thread:
Crisis? NFL Considering Reducing Commercial Time During Games
Author: Zombie
My own comments are in italics at the end
Trump's Victory Is a Pivotal Turning Point in Human History
This was not only the most important election of our lifetimes, but ranks as one of the most significant events in recorded history, on par with the French Revolution or the fall of the Berlin Wall. And I'll tell you why.
Our entire lives are saturated with leftist propaganda. We non-progressives see it everywhere and complain about it incessantly -- because it is ubiquitous. In fact, much of our waking hours is spent commenting upon and then combatting the endless relentless leftist slant to everything in modern society: the entire preschool-through-PhD educational system; the entire media/entertainment complex; the social environment; and, increasingly, the governmen itself as an agent of coercive progressive propaganda.
Every movie. Every TV show. Every news broadcast. Every lesson in every classroom. Every social signifier in the public. Every poll. In ways large and small, overt and covert, it is all saturated with progressive ideals, whether you realize it or not (and by now most people realize it).
We pull our hair out about it. We scream and cry in protest. We rail futilely against it. (Or at least we thought it was futile.)
But what is the purpose of all this propaganda?
Well, as formulated first by Antonio Gramsci and then later the Frankfurt School, the ultimate goal is to change the underlying nature of society to pave the way for an eventual socialist utopia. But -- here's the key, and the point behind Gramscianism and "stealth communism" -- the revolution, they realized, should not and can not be a VIOLENT revolution, but instead a quiet revolution in which the populace imposes communism on itself willingly -- what Bernie Sanders correctly called "democratic socialism."
Violent communist revolutions can only ever succeed in what were called "peasant societies" -- czarist Russia, impoverished rural China, Cambodia, etc. -- but never succeed in industrial countries, as Marx had incorrectly assumed. (Marx thought that the first two countries to have a communist overthrow would be England and Germany, because they were the most industrialized nations in the 19th century and thus had the greatest number of disenfranchised factory workers. He was wrong.)
Anyway, to get to the point, the entire purpose of 60 years of slanted media and slanted news and slanted education and social pressure and brainwashing and deception and indoctrination -- all of it, everything we complain about every day, all days, for years and years and years -- the purpose of all this is to get people to vote for the most left-wing candidate in each presidential election. Because, as noted above, this entire theory is based on stealth communism, self-imposed, democratically elected socialist government.
We see the results of these decades of indoctrination in the college students of today, who are all so left-wing by default that they see standard old-school Marxism as too old-fashioned and conservative. That is how left-wing they are -- and yet they think they are middle-of-the-road, from their vantage point.
So it had seemed that these decades of indoctrination had been resoundingly successful, and that the US electorate had swung wildly to the left, never to swing back, just as the Gramscian brainwashers had been implementing for the last 50 or more years.
They don't brainwash people to engage in violent overthrow -- because that is known not to work in a middle-class first-world country. We're too comfortable as a nation for that to ever work. Instead, they brainwash people to VOTE as their socialist mentors tell them to vote.
And it has looked since 2008 and ever since that this strategy has reached a tipping point of success from which there was no return -- no conservative could ever win another presidential election, since with each passing year, the population was getting younger, more radical, more brainwashed, etc.
And then November 8 2016 happened, and BOOM: It was all revealed to be a lie. Not only has the relentless indoctrination failed, but the general impression that the indoctrination had been successful was itself a gigantic meta-deception.
All the polls, which were intended to convince everyone that Hillary was inevitable? ALL LIES. All the chatter and imagery that America had forever swung Democratic? ALL LIES.
It doesn't even matter what Trump's actual political beliefs are. All that matters is that he was The Designated Enemy and yet he won resoundingly.
This election didn't merely expose the failure of six months of campaigning by the Democratic Party. This election exposed the failure of SIX DECADES of leftist propaganda to have any cumulative effect at all.
And the earthquake extends deep into the future as well. Thanks to Trump's history-shattering victory, we know know that the Gramscian model and the Frankfurt school model DON'T WORK. Every single thing the Left has done since the 1940s has been catastrophically wrongheaded and misconceived. It has all backfired. Which means that going into future, when they will (as they surely will) continue their failed Gramscian strategy on autopilot, IT WILL ALL BE FOR NAUGHT.
The Left has to now go back to the drawing board and come up with an entirely new playbook. And once they do, it will surely take decades to implement.
But the best part? The left doesn't understand any of this, and they WON'T reformulate their playbook. They will stick to the same failed script, as we have already seen just in the last few days. Years from now, and likely even decades from now, the Left will STILL be trying their stealth (and not-so-stealth) propaganda/indoctrination/bullying efforts, and they will CONTINUE TO FAIL, because these techniques only work if the victims DON'T KNOW they being propagandized.
But the public has become much more sophisticated. We now do know. And we can never un-know, once our eyes have been opened.
That's why Trump's victory is Earth-shattering -- it completely unravels the leftist playbook, past present and future. To such an extent that we're playing an entirely new game now with new rules. But the left refuses to acknowledge this, so they will continue to play the old game. So they will lose. And lose. And lose. And lose. Over and over and over again until they either wise up or give up. My money is on the latter.
My thoughts:
Zombie is a long time commenter at Ace of Spades and not only a long time student of leftism, but a photo-documentor of the actions of the left. The websites zombietime and zomblog are records of that documentation.
The highlight of this comment is the note that propaganda is much less effective on those that recognize they are the victims of it.
The ONLY thing that I can find any issue in this commentary is the lack of reference to the globalist-leftist alliance, although I have seen comments on Steemit that accurately reflect the indoctrination of younger folks by the left; I actually heard someone claim that oblahblah is a capitalist.
We see the results of these decades of indoctrination in the college students of today, who are all so left-wing by default that they see standard old-school Marxism as too old-fashioned and conservative.
I have recommended Ace of Spades before for those of you that lean to the minarchist or Constitutionalist mindsets. Let me recommend it again!