My Entry "ABBIE AND THE WORLD OF CALM" - Tyger’s Electric Dreams Short Story Contest #3




My eyes start to react, what happened to me? ... What is this place? ... Where am I? ... I feel terrified and excited at the same time. My mind is turned into chaos, "I have to get up and wake up, I dream so crazy" ... I feel as if I was in my bed in my house as if everything had been a dream but I react and I understand that it was not and I realize that I'm standing on a path. I begin to walk and observe that it is similar to any path I have seen before: the vegetation is the same, the smell of the wind is the same, the feeling of the sun on my skin is the same, so why do I feel like a completely different person, as if i were in another place, in another world totally different from the one i was in?...


My name is Abbie, I'm 26 years old and I love reading. I have always liked good stories and that is why I read many, many books, but I have a little secret that I have never told anyone: I like reading about mysteries based on real, esoteric, mythological and legendary facts.

I consider myself a person capable of analyzing in detail a three-page book in a two-hour conversation. I am physically 1.68m and I am slender with a white complexion with honey brown eyes and dark brown hair. I honestly see myself as a slim body geek who likes good stories.

My day always begins very early, the alarm rings at seven in the morning and I hate to have a hammer to destroy it, but no, I recover and turn it off. With difficulty I get out of bed and tell myself, "why did I have to be late reading that stupid book", however I take a quick shower, I dress, I run to the kitchen and devour that succulent cereal a little milk and sugar and ready! My perfect breakfast of always. I see the time on my watch and dial two minutes past eight o clock, oh no!, I’m really late for work; I put my headphones and put my electronic music mix with some alternative rock, yes! at the end something that makes me happy! I run out of my house and take the first bus direct to my work.

Along the way I analyze each advertising sign that is happening and as if it were a subliminal message, I say to myself "I think I deserve a long vacation because I've been a full year without stopping work," so without hesitation lift my head and I say "yes I deserve a good holiday, to the hell with work," I think I said it out loud because the man in sitting in front of me looked at me a little weird.

I get off the bus and quickly walk to the building of the company CSS (Computer Security Specialists). There I work as a Security Analyst, so I spend hours sitting at my desk in front of the computer checking the entrails of several systems to avoid being violated, yes, I have a very boring job.

I still do not stop thinking about my well-deserved vacation and I wonder "perfect, you go on vacation but, what will be your destination? The beach, the mountain ... No!!, I want to do something that I like, something that is outside of the common ", so I take pencil and paper and start writing the things that I love: Reading, Mystic, Knowledge, To discover new things, The adventure, Good music, "Oh no, I think I'll go on a trip with Lara Croft" and laugh like a fool inside.

Well now that I select the things I like I take my keyboard and the first thing I type is "Mystic places on earth" and among the results I get "Stonehenge". I did not find it very interesting to see a bit of high rocks but I give it a try and I started to dig deeper and deeper to see what it was about. At the moment I am amazed at the amount of mysteries that these rocks enclose: from giants to portals for other worlds. I do not think twice and I choose Stonehenge as my next adventure. "Ok Abbie," I say to myself, "you already have the perfect place for vacations, now the most difficult thing will be to ask your boss for permission".

My boss is a bit stingy, cranky and does not want anyone to go on vacation in his life. He is a very difficult man and effective in his labors, but I take courage and I go straight to his office, I open the door without even knocking and I say: "Boss!! (almost shouting) I have a full year working without stopping and I deserve a vacation so I do not accept a no for an answer! ", he stares at me and says:" Abbie calm you can take them there is no problem ". I am obviously shocked and I simply thanked him, lest he change that pleasant mood so strange and regret it. Then I leave the office jumping for joy, return to my desk and start with the preparations for my great trip.

A week later, after a long and annoying trip, I finally arrive at my destination and I find myself standing in front of the great Stonehenge and immediately begins my investigative walk all over the place. Of the several articles I read on the web I remember some of it that mention that I am in a "megalithic monument dated to the late Neolithic (XX century BC), located near Amensbury County Wiltshire in England" and immediately I feel as if my mind will be transported to that tortuous time and I imagine endless possibilities about how it was built. It really is something terrifyingly impressive given that recent discoveries indicate that two of the largest rocks are in that exact place since before the existence of the human being which remains a great prerogative of who and how these rocks were placed.


Walking through the middle of the monument, I feel strangely that something catches my attention towards the middle of the rocks as if a magnetic force attracts me and I immediately feel that I cannot avoid heading towards the place. Suddenly I feel that I am not the one who dominates my body, as if I were an intruder and I observe how my hand touches a small crack in the earth on one side of the central stone as if I knew exactly where to touch and then, before my eyes, I see how the rocks that look like doors are illuminated at the center with a very bright light and my body walks directly towards one of them crossing them and then, I fall into a mental void where everything is cloudy, where I try to scream with all my strength but my body does not respond and When I surrender, my body immediately falls into what I can describe as a calm and deep sleep.

My eyes start to react, what happened to me? ... What is this place? ... Where am I? ... I feel terrified and excited at the same time. My mind is turned into chaos, "I have to get up and wake up, I dream so crazy" ... I feel as if I was in my bed in my house as if everything had been a dream but I react and I understand that it was not and I realize that I'm standing on a path. I begin to walk and observe that it is similar to any path I have seen before: the vegetation is the same, the smell of the wind is the same, the feeling of the sun on my skin is the same, so why do I feel like a completely different person, as if he were in another place, in another world totally different from the one i was in?

I am completely sure of something: this is not my world. I know that I am in a place very similar to the Earth but, it is not my Earth. I'm scared, very afraid but, I'll keep going.

After walking for several minutes, I glimpse what can be described as a town. When I am at the entrance to the village, I see that there are people dressed in a rural way, peasants I would say they are but, when they see me, they are amazed as if they had seen a ghost and run out calling someone: "Lord of the worlds, a visitor has arrived, come quickly! " and I tell myself how did he call me? Visitor? My God where I really am? I'm not on Earth?, but they look like simple humans! "Then an older man in his sixties comes up and says, "Miss please come with me. "

The Mister takes me through the town to a small and humble house. Inside I see that everything looks the same: the same seats, the same simple tables, the same floors, the same kitchen but suddenly I realize that nobody wears shoes and that the sun, no matter how clear and cloudless the sky was , it was not in its place and immediately I observe my hand clock and I see that it does not work; I take my cell phone out of my pocket and it's off; my ipod does not work either and I come to the conclusion that there is no such thing here as technology or electricity running!!, "incredible".
After my revelation I look up and I realize that the Mister was watching me all this time until he says: "here we do not have electricity, in this world it does not work and it will never work", and I am amazed that I am in another world. After a few minutes of silence that I took to digest this impressive news, I say to the Mister: "Excuse me but I do not understand anything, how did I get here? Why am I here? What world is this? Are we not on Earth? I feel completely confused ... "The gentleman answers me:" We are and we are not on Earth, to be clearer, we are in an alternate world that is similar to the Earth but it is not the same. Everywhere, all the land is fertile, we have livestock and the same animals that are in your world but here we live with them, in this world there is no extinct race, humans who live here do not know what greed is, envy, evil, avarice, deceit, money, nothing that makes your world a violent place full of false hopes, here there is no war, famine, drought, our rivers are the most crystalline and clean water that you could have take in your life, in short, this world is the World of Calm.


I got up from the table and went to a huge window to observe this world so different from mine. At the end of the plain across a green path I observed the same Stonehenge monument and asked the sir: "If this is the world of Calm, ¿how is my world call it?", and he replied: "We call it the World of the Lost, because all our customs and natural beauties, all our way of living has perished "," no sir, has not yet perished, there is still love, friendship, tolerance, joy, we still have places as beautiful as this one and beautiful animals for the which we fight to preserve "I said," yes I know, I have been in your world and I observed everything you have told me but it is still the place of the lost, because everything beautiful they have is looking for ways to destroy it, I have seen how they build buildings and large cities while destroying places as beautiful as this, I have seen as parents abandon their children or how their children abandon their parents when they cannot depend on their actions because their body does not allows them. Your world is a place as beautiful as it is ruinous or you have not realized "he said," I do understand everything you tell me but it is still my world, the place where I belong ".

I feel so impressed as I am lost. I am surrounded by a small population and, even so, I feel completely alone. The Mister offered me a glass of water and, he was right, it is the most divine water I have ever tasted: the water of the river that was near the town.

I have a lot of questions, my doubts are eating me up, but after several minutes turning over everything that the gentleman told me, I realize that there is something very important that I have not asked: "Sir excuse me but how can I go back to my world, "the man looks at me a bit surprised and says," after everything I told you about how is this world, do you still want to return?", and then I said: "yes I want, there is my family, my friends , my house, my boring work but it's mine, my life is there and not here... I came here by mistake", "I'm sorry but your arrival is not a mistake. Every 50 years the portal opens through the building of rocks that in your world is known as Monument Stonehenge and it chooses a person who has lived his life ready to abandon it, that is, deep down in your being you do not you consider your world as yours if not as a place to pass through which you are able to leave easily ", amazed by him I said:" I want my world and I do not plan to abandon it ".

After the strange conversation I had with the gentleman, I walk to the outskirts of the town with tears in my eyes. "My God, I want to return to my home, what do I do, how do I get out of this strange world," then close to what I can recognize As the replica of the Stonehenge monument I see an old lady drawing something on the floor, I go up to her and ask her "What are you doing?", "I draw my farewell so that one day my daughter can observe it from the World of the Lost" She told me, "What?, your daughter?, and how is that possible?," then I realize that the Sir was behind me and he takes me by the hand and leads me through the rocks that look like doors to the center of the monument and I observe that he begins to dig at the sides of the central rock and pulls out what I can describe as a brilliant crystal with a written message : "Abbie, when you see this it means that you have completed your journey: this is your world, love it as I loved you, listen to the elderly and have faith that everything will be fine. Sincerely, Abbie "...


The Lord told me only a few last words: "Abbie, this is your world, you belong here, The world of the Lost was only a test but, if you want to return you can only do one thing: die in this world and you will be reborn as yourself in the other but you will never come back here again. "

I know that I still have many questions and that I have to keep looking for many answers but, at this moment, I only have one certainty: I am a world traveler who has crossed a huge barrier, I know that I have to discover this world and I know that I abandoned it in My past life for a very good reason so I will find it, I will discover who I really am and nothing and nobody will stand in my way.

…To be continue…

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