Tyger’s Electric Dreams Short Story Contest #11

Imagine Credit Pixabay.com

Contest Specifications:

Your mission, if you choose to take it, is to write a short story of 1000+ words (no longer than 5000 words). Write it including the following 3 prompts: #1 your protagonist wakes up in a room with 2 other people who look exactly like him/her and has no idea where he/she is or how he/she got there. Who are the others? How did everyone get there? What happens next ? #2 girl in a Pikachu onesie #3 the story must include the sentence - “What I really want is a piece of cherry pie ”. Take it from here and let's see where it goes

Special thanks to @tygertyger

For more information about this contest visit:

My Entry:

“Get up! Get up!” A voice yelled in the dazed confusion clouding Akari’s mind. His last thoughts of a sword fight to decide the fate of an empire. Now a white light and a splitting headache.

“Get up!” An identical voice yelled out from another direction.

He recognized the voices as the voice of his thoughts as he regained consciousness. As if awakening from a deep sleep with a jolting nightmare were not enough, he now saw himself in another person, staring into his own eyes, the connection instant.


“Get up!” His other self yelled. “We’ve no time to explain. Just grab my arm and try to stand up. We’ve got to get moving fast.”

Akari grabbed his twin’s arm, and sat up in a motion not accomplished for some time. He slid around so that his legs would dangle off the table. He stretched his legs looking at the strange clothes he and his twin wore. And he could see another twin. So they were triplets.

Only his clothes were clean. The other two looked as if they’d been in a fight.

“What’s going on here?” Asked Akari 2.2.

“Sorry Akari, only you’ve got to stand up. We need to go now.” Said Akari 2.1.

“Akari’s right. It’s time to go.” Said Akari 2.0.

Akari 2.2 held on to Akari 2.1’s arm as he slid off the table. His knees buckled for a second before he found firm footing, the feeling of emergency alerting his senses. Adrenaline fusing the connection between mind and body.


“It’s a hospital. We’re in the future. The Ninja have returned. We fought off some of their warriors. Unfortunately, the people we knew were killed in mortal combat,” said Akari 2.0 in a rushed whisper.

All three knew instinctively how to move about in a dangerous situation. They covered each others sight lines like a group of Navy SEALs. Only they were Samurai from Japan’s ancient feudal past. And not any Samurai, they were one of the greatest Samurai of all time, Akari Takahashi.

Akari Takahashi had fought to unify the warring kingdoms, only to have his head cut off in the decisive battle, yet his death drove his men forward, as they would not live with Akari dead.

And so his army had won the war against the Ninja.

Only the Ninja had returned more powerful than ever.

Scientific advances in cloning from DNA made it possible to bring back the ancient warrior Akari who could turn the tide of this conflict hidden from the average citizen on the streets of Tokyo.

The scientists made three Akari clones with plans to make more if needed. Only the scientists at the hospital never expected a surprise attack from the Ninja. Now all three clones were active at the same time and would need to get their wits about them if they expected to fulfill their destiny and end the rise of the Ninja.

“Here! This door will lead us outside,” said Akari 2.0.

“Yes! Akari when we go outside things will be moving at a very hectic pace. Put your hood up and concentrate on our movements. Stay between us. We don’t want you to get killed,” said Akari 2.1.

Akari 2.2 nodded his head in the affirmative.

They opened the door to sunlight and the blue sky. A jumbo jet made an approach to the airport. Everywhere, cars with traffic noise, and sirens. Large groups of people moved through neon signs lighting the way in this urban jungle.

“Just stay with us,” said Akari 2.0.

Akari 2.2 looked around frantically at the sight of unseen things from his memory. Completely void of reference. Only a Starbucks’ poster in a window made sense written in a language he could understand, “New Cherry Pie Frappuccino”.

The three stumbled through a group of Harajuku girls. One of them wearing a Pikachu onesie and drinking the same drink pictured in the Starbucks poster.

“New Cherry Pie Frappuccino?” Asked Akari 2.2 as Akari 2.0 pulled him forward through the busy city street.

“Yeah, what I really want is a piece of cherry pie,” she answered in a cute high voice.

The three Samurai clones continued their journey down the steps to the subway terminal. Akari 2.2 still stupefied by the mechanics of this Japan in the future. All the faces familiar, while the texture of the natural environment changed into shapes he would have never imagined while meditating near a coy pond.

As they made it to the bottom of the stairs, they found themselves in the midst of 20 men wearing all black with only their eyes showing. They were the Ninja.

“Samurai, now you die,” said the leader of the Ninja.

They closed their circled around the three clones of Akari. Akari 2.2 waited with raised fists ready to defend himself, while Akaris 2.0 and 2.1 pulled out lightsabers.

“What are those?” Asked Akari 2.2.

“Lightsabers made popular from the movie Star Wars,” said Akari 2.1.

“Can I have one?”

“No, the scientists only made two of them,” said Akari 2.0 before lunging out in a sweeping motion taking out one Ninja, while severing the leg of another.

Akari 2.0 and 2.1 could not be beat. The Ninjas' weapons melted in defense. Yet they continued to fight and dodge the incoming attacks of the laser swords. Only one Ninja found his way to Akari 2.2 who fought with fists. In a spinning attack the Ninja cut Akari 2.2’s head off.

The battle froze for a second as the other two Akaris cried, “Akari!”

The leader of the Ninja bellowed in laughter thinking he’d won by killing the real Akari. He didn’t know that the one that died had just been the third clone, nothing more. He hadn’t even had a chance to train with a lightsaber.

The two Akaris gave each other a look of knowing before running and jumping into the air.

The leader of the Ninja gasped as he got cut in two by Akari 2.1, and Akari 2.0 decapitated him.

Thank you,
Cyrus Emerson

Red Roses the audiobook for your consideration at the Voice Arts Awards (NYC), and the Grammys (LA).

Red Roses narrated by Kira Omans
Red Roses Dress.jpg

Red Roses music by Rike Luxx

Red Roses sound by Pond5

Also, available from The Author:

Fear and Loathing in the State of Jefferson - ebook

Lost Angel – Introduction with Ray Manzarek of The Doors

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