Electric Dreams Contest #2 A New Face entry: Elusia

This is my entry in a contest by @tygertyger. Here is the link to the contest.

Here is tygertyger's background/prompt

Contest Specifications:
Your mission, if you choose to take it, is to write a short story of 1000+ words (no longer than 3000 words). Write it from the perspective of the first child born in natural childbirth in a society that for the last 300 consisted of sterile clones.

F3024991 was pregnant, and terrified. Until now she had been a respectable member of Elusian society, careful to officially emulate the norms of Elusia, yet revealing minor personality differences among friends. Elusia was managed by the collective, a governmental entity that few dared to question.

The 6.3 million inhabitants of Elusia were equal numbers of male and female clones, all from the same cell line. All the women were biologically identical, as were the men. The cell line was genetically modified to ensure all the clones were sterile. To overcome the problem of recognizing one another, the collective implanted proximity sensors in each clone's right hand. When two Elusians met, they would extend their right hand and touch their palms together, which allowed their respective cornea displays to reveal the name of the person they touched, as well as a helpful summary of their last few conversations.

There was no marriage in Elusia, but citizens were only permitted to have two adults living in each residential share, as well as any child assigned to them for upbringing.

F3024991 had been gaining weight despite diligent exercise, and had been nauseous for two weeks. She was behind on her work assignments, and people were starting to talk. Ilnesses were rare in Elusia, and all the women were between 135 and 145 pounds. Any genetic predisposition to illness had been repaired genetically over the years, and the latest generation was the picture of physical health.

This morning she felt the baby kick, and she knew she had to leave. Community additions were handled centrally, developed in artificial wombs, and assigned to a residential share at birth. Any additions who did not meet the Elusian quality standards were sent to the hive. The hive was a walled off ghetto where the seconds lived. The seconds were tatooed on their forehead with a honeycomb symbol. Once sent to the hive, they were never seen again.

F3024991 was already 4 pounds over the maximum female weight. She went to see a friend. She walked into the small shop and extended her hand. M4023778 extended his to meet hers, and smiled when she was identified on his cornea display. "Hello stranger, its been a long time!" F3024991 managed a weak smile, and asked in a hushed tone, "I need a tattoo". He ushered her into the back room and said, "I don't officially do this you know, I'm only authorized to do the "hive stamps". It would have to be somewhere out of sight.... ". Her heart racing, she told him everything, then said "I want the hive stamp." There was a long pause, then M4023778 whispered "have you told anyone else about this?" "No, and the Father has moved on to another residential share. We.. lost contact". He studied her carefully, "I'll do it, but are you sure about this?" She nodded and sat down in the chair.

He immobilized her head with straps and started the machine. Silent tears rolled down her cheeks as the ink was etched into her forehead, and in a few minutes it was over. By nightfall he managed to sneak her into the hive, and in the oppressive darkness she had never felt so alone.

*****12 years later*****

The hive was a paradox. The seconds were loud and rough, but the rejection from society had woven them tightly together. There was an unspoken trust. The collective ignored them unless they left the ghetto, so they lived in relative freedom. F3024991 had been taken in and cared for. She had been given the name Emily, and quickly abandoned the practice of extending her palm in greeting. None of the seconds had implanted sensors anyway.

Emily learned to recognize them in their differences. There were seconds with speech problems, skin blemishes, missing limbs, and everything in between. Emily had overcome her initial fear and prejudice, and developed deep friendships in the community. Emily's pregnancy had made her almost a celebrity.

The seconds took great pains to keep her in hiding, and scrounged for information on how to deliver a child. The first natural birth in 300 years went smoothly, and Emily named her daughter Mara. Mara had a playful spirit, frizzy red hair and large hazel eyes. She was carefully hidden, because she was a splash of riotous color in a monochromatic world. The only natural light she knew was through a dirty skylight above her room.

Emily knocked and entered Mara's room. "How was your day honey?" asked Emily. Mara said, "okay, I am learning to sew, Aunt Nora is teaching me". Mara had dozens of "Aunts" and "Uncles", it was remarkable she was not spoiled by it. "Mom, does Dad know I exist?". Emily's face fell, she knew this day would come. "No, he doesn't know baby. Its complicated, but if he knew we might not be safe anymore". "Would you at least ask him to come and live with us?"

Emily took Mara's hand and said "I can't leave the ghetto with the hive stamp, and if anyone touched my proximity sensor.... they probably think I'm dead." "Please Mom, what about the tattoo guy, could you have him call Dad?" Emily almost refused, but finally relented. She contacted M4023778 by patching into the communication grid, and sent him a message. He agreed to contact Mara's Father, and a meeting was arranged. As the time approached Emily realized they could lose everything, but she had to risk it for Mara.

Emily and Mara waited by the South Wall at 7am, and a male voice whispered through the chain link fence. "You're alive!, is it really you?" Emily kept her right hand behind her back, and kept her distance to avoid triggering the palm sensor. She whispered back shakily, "its me, meet... your daughter." Mara approached the fence nervously, and her Father began to weep. He spoke, "Mara, I'm so sorry. I didn't know... how is this possible?" His face fell. "There isn't much time, the collective has decided to eliminate the hive, they are planning to airdrop some food soon. It is poisoned. They plan to kill all of you and blame it on a virus outbreak.

He looked up, silently pointing. The propellers of a drone beat the air as it lowered a large crate with a steel cable. Emily shouted "no!" as Mara took off towards the drone. The crate had not yet reached the ground and the hungry seconds were already tearing it open. Mara reached them, screaming "its poison" and the seconds froze. They stared at her, astonished she was out in the open, and then up at the drone. The seconds instantly transformed into an angry mob. They grabbed the cable and pulled hard. The drone's engine strained under the load, and lifted the group off the ground briefly, but the mob pulled it to the ground and burned it along with the crate. The rebellion had begun.

The seconds sustained heavy losses, but gained control of the city within 28 hours. The small police force was utterly unprepared for the savage mob with rocks, chains and pipes. Elusia was free.

Thanks for reading!

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