Incident 099a

{This post is part of @tygertyger's "Electric Dreams" contest, eleventh iteration so far. Click here to see it... Definitely not inspired by Madness Combat series on NewGrounds... Tag along music for the post: "Lost and Destroyed" (Madness: Project Nexus OST by Cheshyre).}

"Image source here"

- Incident 099a -

I had awoken a few hours ago, few hours later all three of... me?... us?... parts of an original one escaped thanks to some robot named... RN Dash?... Yes, RN Dash... Well it may be better if I started from the beginning and force words down as to make intelligible this unintelligible sequence of events... I'll start with the wake-up scene...

I had awoken a mere few hours ago, to be precise the clock read "1200" and ticked away like a normal clock. I slowly raised my head confused of my newfound location and my vision blurrier than ever, before realizing that I had glasses that I didn't wore to sleep on me and took them off. My vision readily sharpened and I began to almost puke at the detail increments, yet I held back and took the time to analyze my surroundings carefully. I spotted two clones in my cell, exact lookalikes that were indistinguishable - but maybe I was wrong and they were just twins that had different personalities.

In fact, I consciously tried to understand what I was actually looking at. I thought they were masks on top of heads and a blanket sheathing the rest of their body, but I was... wrong. They were pale white, like real white, with disconnected and floating limbs, grey and lengthy shirt and dark grey shoes?... It was weird altogether 'til I looked at myself and began to near-puke once more. My body was equally to them as they were to me, worse that it defied what an organism can be and then I spotted a mirror to see my reflection... I received no reconciliation and began screaming and I heard myself despite possessing no mouth. Oj me Flyin' Dutchman, I was them - even with a cross in the face! Then they awaken and began panicking, going through almost the same sequence as me but differentiated with me awake and them jolted awake by a scream. They were disorientated and began to steady themselves, we began trying to understand our predicament and attempted to symbolize this undifferentiated mess we found ourselves in. Whoever we were in the past: clones of a mad scientist, a split from an original one or a genes that resulted in us monstrosities, it didn't matter.

No noise from outside this prison cell of ours, so we ventured around and tried to find... escape... to find meaning... to find something other than this... to find a thing that's not us. Then we heard a thing creak intensely, we swung our heads towards the direction and saw a robot shushing us and to follow them. We almost didn't make it out of the room for the area outside was equally as disorientating, but we adapted quick and moved onwards - they clicked and clacked around with its metal blades and had a head of a CCTV camera with three lenses, the middle one being the biggest and all aligned vertically. We moved from corridor to corridor 'til they spotted a guard and told us to hunker down - we complied and tried to peak over the edge to see the threat. We saw it stealthily approach a heavily armed suit, to which moments later it injected the blades into it and stuffed the corpse into the ceiling - after the mess was done, it signaled us to continue on with it... A rude and bloody awakening if there ever was one...

Pressing on, they decided we had to be in a shaft and to crawl only straightforward with them. Telling us that we would be inside of an armory and get gear to defend ourselves with - I sensed that all three of us were getting giddy and a bloody frenzy brewing up, so we moved carefully in the vents... As we crawled, and I think the two others were trying to piece together this mess as well, and crawled more, I tried to understand what me was and why was I... I. But soon we got interrupted by the Robot, which decided to let in their name as RN Dash and that we directly hit above the armory - our blood frenzy rose more. We shimmied downwards, careful to not upset an alarm and took what we could - RN Dash told us the coast was clear since they hacked the alarms off and now could access any weapons at our fingertips - now our blood frenzy grew exponentially.

Unsurprisingly we all searched around for the best gear but also divided up the important roles of a group with the decision-making of a D6 we found in a random locker. RN Dash approached that locker, not to take any gear or useful items, but inspected a picture frame we all got curious about even as we readied for a fight. Dash looking at our collective gaze showcased the picture at us and we saw what they stared at: we couldn't understand the photo 'til we read the text below saying "girl in a Pikachu onesie" with notes underneath the photo going on about pre-Y2K culture and concept of "cosplay" being a re-branding of old pagan practices in consumerist society. We clearly were shocked to find this but couldn't make it out why a locker would store such information, useful or not, in an armory - but we gave the picture frame with notes back to Dash as they stored it somewhere safe inside.

With the final gear in place with our silenced weaponry and the hi-tech shit, we saw RN Dash coming back with a cherry pie they were tasting, we asked how a robot could eat and it remarked back with nano-technology. But then the shotgunner part of us said:

“Sorry, it must've not been clear what we actually tried to convey. What I really want is a piece of cherry pie - wait I?... Are we really the same and do we really share the same indiscriminate I with you too?”

"Well how about we agree to that for now but refer to all of us as "we" for now... Sorry RN Dash for the confusion: what we really want is a piece of cherry pie as well. May we?"

RN Dash already knew of the weird predicament and prepared three plates for us to have at it with a piece of cherry pie, but they were all shot with one .357 and an angry sheriff blowing his revolver to clear the smoke. Yet our blood frenzy compelled us to pump lead and lasers into that mad man before we lowered our guns and approached him - he spoke:

"So Les Enfants Terribles finally awaken, heh what a success... If it was you three, I would'ven't shot the cherry and left you at it - but there's no disregarding this lil' incident... wait I got to radio in and say false alarm... eh herm! Sector guards, false alarm. Over... Yes I shot some guns and forgot to turn on the acoustics, no need to worry. Over... Just a sore throat. Over... Roger, over and out..."

"So who are you sheriff?"

"Me, I'm not only the sheriff but also the ones that created you... truth is you were my keys to overthrowing this facility and killing high-ranking officials, that's why you get blood frenzies - especially around weaponry. As I said, it was a success... Heh..."

"Hello, I am RN-1199. What are your final wishes?"

"So you're the one that's been causing a ruckus recently... Nice to see you in person, Robot RN-1199... My final wishes are to have some of that cherry pie and for my daughter to be looked after..."

"I, well us, don't know how we can securely retrieve your daughter without scaring her..."

"Don't worry about that, I told her all about you... in fact, she'll get the cue if she sees you, with or without me... I presume you saw the photo already, yeah she looked cute in it but I wrote more... interesting how we humans make farces of past history, heh... Anyways, RN-1199 you already got the building schematics and know where to get out. Please, all four of you stay safe, and if you want to get bloody... here's the keys to the command center, start shit up after I die, but remember my other wishes..."

"Last words, Mr. Sheriff?"

"Ha ha ha! Last words are for fools who haven't said enough!"

And then we all preceded to see him go to his eternal slumber with RN-1199 closing his eyes. He then lugged it around and told us we're giving the old man a 'splosive end. Our blood frenzy began to overcharge and we began our march towards the command center - even if it turned loud and bloody. Ready at the hatch, RN-1199 signaled us to proceed and said it will meet us in the command center while we provided the distraction - said it shall be clear where to go with how certain rooms appear. So we began our march and cautiously at first, we wanted our first actual kill to be a chain reaction towards madness - a combat that we can thrive in no matter the odds. Along the way we saw sliced up guards and broken panels, but eventually we were given our first chance: we inspected the enemies and sprang into motion, guns-a-blazing into the fray. The danger-close with the mid-range got caught in our early peppering, while the long-ranged foes had a chance to whip out their guns to take pot shots, yet eliminated as soon as we fixed our guns at them. The first room had gore strewn about, but that was soon nullified as guards poured in and tried to quell us - yet becoming one of many victims in the process and turning the room red and chunky.

When the pour in stopped, we advanced past the barricades into the next room - our blood frenzy hadn't simmered down but risen dramatically, to the point that when all three of us entered we began to have a collective slow-mo play out and we decimated all the guards inside. Time began speeding back to normal as they got minced by our bullets, we continued on and repeated the motion with every new guard that stumbled into us. Then we came into a giant arena room that locked us in as the announcer stated:

[Release Mag-Agent 099a. The VOX sys understands the Mag-Agent is a proto, but the integrity of the compound overrules status of an individual agent... Also play "Country Roads, take me home" until either side is dead... yes that one... Releasing in 3... 2... 1... Have fun Les Enfants Terribles!~]

With that, a giant being that resembled us - but was larger and possessed a suit with an armored mask stepped forwards into this makeshift arena. It then pulled out a giant Deagle and fired away at our positions, we splintered to divide its attention and cover more ground to attack any weak-point we can abuse to our advantage. Eventually finding one, I, as a fragger, used my China-lake to launch nades at the peckneck's mask - lo and behold, it ripped its mask off and revealed bruise pains and a mouth which we lacked! Yet this anger fueled our blood frenzy even more and the machine-gunner of us began making Swiss cheese outta this Mag-Agent and it soon fell down as the head began gibbing. Our damage was an art piece, to the last detail with the gibs strewn about and blood splattering and leaking about - which prompted the doors to unlock and we left the room soon after before it decided to lock us in for good.

A few corridors down we repeated the actions from before, just in new conditions. Then we finally reached the door, and a surprise came as a body was flung through it - which left a corpse-sized hole for us to crawl through and enact the final chaotic piece. Upon entering we saw what RN-1199 had done: slicing and dicing every staffed guard in this command center and leaving none alive. Regardless, they were crawling back into the vent to hoist the Sheriff's corpse to the command center chair - while we jammed the keys into the console to activate it for our chaos. Whence it finally started, we all decided the most chaotic course of action after seeing a list of "prohibited releases" and hacking it to be activated without higher-authorities being present. We all agreed to give our final honours to the Sheriff before all of us see the initial stages of chaos unleashed into the compound. The mess we caused after giving our final honours could only be repaired through military intervention, and one that'll certainly keep them preoccupied with. Crawling, RN-1199 lead us to their entry point and exfiltrated us from there.

As we crawled, we saw a variety of test subjects pitting fights amongst each other and the agents - though the chaos was difficult to process, each moving part felt alive and individual thanks to the chaos they felt themselves in. 'Twas unimaginable that there were more Mag-Agents strewn about the facility, they wrecked havoc across anyone they stumbled and even punched infected Mag-Agents to a pulp. We all saw what appeared to be a pterodactyl being used as a meat bat by a Mag-Agent against a horde of the undead, the damage dealt was pretty effective for a meat bat. I think I even saw a Mag-Agent with nails piercing its own head, x-cross style - I have no clue how it even shambled forwards, much less a cathartic killing spree of anything, including the guards, in its path. That Mag-Agent just went haywire and bashed even the heads of other Mag-Agents and used their limbs as clubs to defeat more armoured Mag-Agents. Eventually we managed to get to the sewage treatment area, where we all dropped down and entered through a sewer grate that's been shafted open. Sliding down the sewer latter, we spotted our escape craft being staffed by one of RN-1199's comrades who I think went by Ariel - Ariel congratulated us for setting the facility ablaze and that they've done their tasker right before the whole chaos began.

As we got on the craft, we began riding down - RN-1199 asked Ariel to explain what they did. Ariel having a big grin explicated:

"Oh nothing special but rigging the place to 'splode when the generators 'splode! Here, we'll be able to see the fireworks in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... PRESTO!"

As they hit the button, we flew out of a sewer pipe to see a part of the building 'sploding into a massive fireball which rocked the immediate surroundings heavily and shut down all electronics connected to such. The Earth rocked for minutes on end as other parts of the building chain-reacted to the 'splosion, finally blowing up the command center high above - he got his fine 'splosive ending all right. Afterwards, more military craft flew in and dropping military personal to the fray while we saw some pterodactyls flew out to only be shot by helicopter snipers soon after. Soon after, we focused on escaping through the sewer system and back to where RN-1199 and Ariel were established - gotta say the base is big and comfy for how big the crew is for now. As we settled in, Ariel and RN-1199 went upstairs to confirm our arrivals and that soon we shall rescue the Sheriff's daughter - we all three relaxed and ruminated what had happened... I'll write a little later afterwards, give me time...

Well I am back now and I am in the basement of a restaurant ran by Miss Mystic... who has separate biz from the restaurant itself, don't ask why or how - but I think it's rather coolio with the crystal ball and all. Welp, that entry was logged into this diary here - just re-reading this makes me still feel... odd with it, the telegraphing of my signification of events of such and being one of the three in this "Les Enfants Terribles" programme... I don't know what to say or write down but that, and I'm pretty sure our minute difference, that being experience and physical location, won't separate us that much and I guess we're clones at the very end of the day... Oh I wish there was a clone that could tell me how to feel about this, but all three of us are deprived from that and I guess we got to be the ones to explain what being a clone feels like and how disorientating it can get if you aren't cathartic or in a blood frenzy...

Also a note of worth: we'd rescued the girl approximately ten mikes ago, minutes for any civilians reading this when I'm long dead. Peck she'd already had barricaded her home - yet she hugged all three of us when she saw us and told us:

"I knew you'd survive and come rescue me! Daddy told me all about you, but now I see you all in person!... Guess he's not here, he'd told me that was a risk since he saw that you guys were out of your cells... But thank goodness you developed a heart and bless his poor soul that he didn't kill you on sight by accident!.."

For the remainder of the walk towards here, she was carried in the arms of RN-1199 while we provided security and recon. We took what she needed to survive and what could've been of us for us - currently she resides in the basement and was fast asleep. RN-1199 informed me that she was... well a robot, he knew without a need for a port for he saw in the Sheriff's Study a note along with a death certificate... I shall explicate no further for the lass's sake and possible emotional crisis, surprising how the Sheriff knew how to build a robo-human in the flesh and their generalities...

Last note: we bought with "credits" a cherry pie in the restaurant above and all three of us split it amongst each other - gotta say it's pretty hecking delicious. I thank the Sheriff for allowing us to appreciate this delicious commodity - heck we even left some for the kid when she finally wakes up, can't leave her with an empty stomach... Well that's enough out of one day, time to ruminate what the Heck all of this means now - if only we had our own personal psychoanalyst decipher our oddities and make sense of all this...

Other parts in RN-1199:

@theironfelix - RN Dash

Cited posts:

@tygertyger - "Electric Dreams no. 11"

Cited images

"Electric Dreams Cover art"

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