Sketch of the Day - Eagles.
Did a quick sketch today, seeing that I haven't posted anything for a few days. Finding myself lately, like to use the charcoal pencil to just draw the outline free-style, not really following the exact shape of the object. I think that is why I can never do portraits or still object drawings.
Plus, it's much quicker to sketch, with just one charcoal pencil to do the light and shading. I like this style, seeing sometimes I need 2-3 day to finish a more complex sketch.
Today I have chosen Eagles, after the Raven series, I kinda like to put few in a page with different reactions. Although my sketches did not show their majestic side, they really are mighty creatures.
大家好。忙了几天都没时间发文章,那今天就做了个快速的炭笔素描,主角是 - 老鹰。
而且这画法可以很快完成一副画,一支炭笔就可以带出光与暗的层次。不然像平时如果画眼睛就会花上我 2-3天的时间来完成。
Hope you all will like them. 希望你们喜欢。
Thank you for stopping by, this is a place where I can share the things I enjoy in life, art, gardening, nature, foods. This is why my divider above are filled with all the different kind of icons that I love doing. I hope you enjoy my post so far, leave me a comment if you like.谢谢您的到访,这里是个我可以分享关于我所喜爱的生活,包括艺术,园艺,大自然,食物等等的地方。 这就是为什么我上面的页脚全都是我喜欢做的不同类型的图标。 我希望您喜欢我的帖子,如果您喜欢,不妨留下您的评语。
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