Emotional Health

Life has been crazy lately. We moved. My wife is pregnant. We have family members who are facing difficult challenges.

Today, my wife finally broke down. A simple text saying that someone was stopping by sent her into an uncontrolled cry. My wife is a strong woman, but she can not bear the weight of life on her own.

Sometimes we need to have those type of moments. I need one.

  • I need to let go of some stress that I have been bottling up.
  • I need to process some different scenarios I have faced recently.
  • I need to find a way to find a healthy place in my mind.



A Simple Analogy - A Dam Holding Back The Water

This post is not all inclusive, but it is a reflection of some of my thoughts. I am reminded that it is not a great time to write a post when you are tired and stresses (or have an eye twitch due to stress), but writing can be therapeutic, so here we go!

All Dried Up

Some of us have no emotions. The water has dried up. There is nothing to give because there is nothing at all.

Our emotions have been stunted, squelched, or strained because of recent trauma or past trauma. We have experienced trauma that is so life-changing that we will never be the same, and as a result, life has left us.

Unaddressed Crack

Any leak in a dam is a dangerous one. A small crack is the starting point for a disaster unless it is addressed. Some of us are on the edge of disaster. We look strong, but our foundation is weak. We are overwhelmed or overworked. We feel we are lacking resources whether finances, family, or friends. We need know we need support, but we don't know where to find it

Catastrophic Break

When a dam explodes, watch out! The force of the water is terrifying, powerful, but uncontrolled. The force of emotions released uncontrollably can be equally terrifying.

Maintenance can not take places as the waters rush from a broken dam. All you can do is wait for the waters to pour out, watch the damage, and then wait to rebuild.

Controlled Release

Any good dam operator knows how to release the water properly.

  • Is the water getting too high?
  • Is the structure safe and secure?
  • How will the released water impact those around it?

We have emotions and sometimes they get bottled up. We need to learn how to share our emotions with those around us in a way is both healthy for us and for other people.

The controlled release of emotion is an important part of our lives.

It shows us that we:

  • know how to live in the moment well
  • have labored to learn from, but not be enslaved to the past
  • look to a better future for ourselves and those around us

Final Thoughts

I want to hear from you.

  1. Which picture most connects with how you handle emotions?
  2. What can you do to improve your emotional health?

Thanks for stopping by!


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