Bad employer , tried to scam me and humiliating my family . -True story

Pls take your time to read this dear brothers and sisters.

I've been in the worst situation as an adult myself. Past few months, I've been tested with crazy bullshit challenging situation where I went for a job interview at this one ASS company (not real company name), the interview was good at first, but upon signing an agreement. The situation in the office suddenly turned so violence and harsh. Not to say action, but words.

At first, the boss's wife interviewed me. Post signing the agreement, I was interviewed again by the boss. He insulted me in so many ways. Studies, my family, my financial state. He even said "Iban(Sea Dayak) was born to suffer!". Said my diploma was nothing, I dont deserved blablabla.

That was the worst things happen to me, I cried all the way home after the interview. I can take how he underestimated my abilities to work and stuffs but I cant accept that he said stuffs bout my parents. "How can you guys live with that such amount of money "(my dad wages)" like that? Two cars and so many family members. How do you guys eat?".

Everything that come out through his stinks mouth really breaks my heart. Knowing that my dad sacrifices a lot, to feed us, sent us to nice school, buy us clothes and stuffs.
We never skip a meal in our life.
Who is he to condemn about my parents ?!

(Let's shorten this up) I was also working at a B Company (not the real company name) at that time. So, as we all know, we must give one month notice or so upon resignation. I can just quit working by giving them 24 hours notice but Im gonna lose my salary. So the HR at the B Company asked me to ask consideration from the ASS Company, if they can give me one month for me to finish the contract with my previous company.

And things really started to get even worst!!!!!!!!!

They, the ASS Company, started to threaten me. They said I have to come to work with them because I've signed an agreement. OK. Here's the thing, I only asked for consideration, not that I dont want to work with them. They started to sent me texts, forced me. To work with them immediately! They even sent their assistant to my previous office.

And I have to go to their office during my lunch hour to (again) asking for consideration. (actually deep down. I've decided not to work with them as their words and attitudes may cause trauma or even depression) At the office, the boss's wife called me, threaten me. Said she wanna sue me, she said to over the phone
"luckily Im in KL(Kuala Lumpur). If Im in Kuching, Im gonna drag you to court?!"**

Me be like , are you serious? I'm not even working with you yet, and you already treated me like sh#t!!

Then, the boss came to the office, asked me to signed another agreement which said that I have to pay them sums of money. Under my duress and I was scared of the threats and stuffs. I've signed the letter.

Few days after, they called me. Asked me to pay them immediately. RM1800 ( around 450USD)
šŸ’ I refused. I know and Im aware of the power of black and white. I know you guys. Thats when they started to misused my resume by calling my dad and my sister (resume: emergency contact)
They said im rude and my father's taught me to be one of rude person.

All the nonsenses never ending!
The owner of the company Threaten me again. Saying that if I dont pay them the RM1800 (450Usd) . They gonna asked me to pay RM16000 (3500 USD ) !
You gotta be kidding me!

I went to Labour Office to check, get consultation regarding this matter. And the officer-in-charge advised me not to pay them any money because there's no stated in the agreement between me and them that I have to pay if I decided not to work with them plus the agreement that I've signed consider invalid because Im not the one who put my hands on to type the letter and the letter was not an official letter as it doesn't have company's registration num, company's stamp and many more details that an official letter should have. The officer said, if they really wanna "Claim" that money, let them come to the Labour Office. (I went to the Labour office not once, not twice, it really wasting my precious time!)

Days go by and the boss called my father. He said that he's going to "Hire some gangster to hurt me , he even threathent me through a text massage , he said "if he sees me somewhere , he gonna chop me using a machete".
My father immediately took me to lodge a police report.

I received a letter from Labour Department. The letter stated that i have to pay the company. But again, I refused. So we have to discuss how to solve the matter. But during the discussion, the company's director and the wife didn't came. Only the assistant came. First discussion was short and we agreed to proceed to court. Good Lord, Im so scared that I'm going to pay him that huge amount of money

I was so devastated, so down, so sad. I felt like my life was so not on track anymore. I live in fear, paranoia. You named it. At my age (22yo), all of this "Dramas" really make me feel living in the world that I don't know and understand. As a fresh graduate students I don't have any good source of money to hire a lawyer! Not enough knowledge!

Luckily, I have my family, my cousins, my friends, my teachers with me. Support me mentally and every aspects they could.

There was a time where I didnt want to talk or see people. I was so depressed i even blocked my friends from contacting me. I found it's very disturbing as some people keep blaming me for signing those agreements with such an arrogant person. I mean, how you gonna work with people like that?

I went to the Law office. For consultation, before the day to the court. At the office I was taught how to answer and questions.

My cousin, told me to always say a prayer. She said it really works. Say it whenever you're free, have your own quite time. And so I do. Day or night. Rain or shine.

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.

I pray a lot. Harder. Even when it hurts. I dont know if you can say this is just a small matter. But it disturbs me in so many way possible. šŸ˜” I was so down that I only can rely on God. The prayers itself, calm me, sooth my heartache.

Came to the day at the Labour Court. All of them were there except for the boss's wife. But his assistant was the one who entered the "Witnessbox" gave out the so called "Arguments" against me. Made up stories that made me giggled. They only printed out the texts I sent. Of course all their evidence was against me šŸ’

When it comes to my turn. I didnt feel nervous at all. The boss was "been warning several of times" by the judge because he interrupted my speech. He got no right to give statement because he's not the "Witness". If he's the witness, he cant be in the court during our "Arguments" until he is called. So yea šŸ’ thats how rude he was. Hmm

My father was my witnessed. Unbelievably the boss said he "did not recognize" and never talked to my father. Woahhh! Just woahh! he can say that but we have all the evidence šŸ˜Œ

It was fine. His statement was not taken as a statement.

Few months past after the case , I received a letter.
Whereas, I have won the fight against "Scammer and bullies employer". I cant explain how happy and thankful I was, still am.

Thanks to everyone who stayed with me all along the way. You know yourself.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. May God bless us.

Thats all I can say.

(cant include the evidence, the letter here due to privacy concern)
sorry for some inappropriate words and grammatical mistakes šŸ˜‚.

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