Everything is Energy!! Read my thoughts on Energy Relating to the Story of "The Garden of Eden".... You'll be Surprised!

Everything around us is energy. All physical objects, our emotions, and our thoughts all produce energy that has a feeling or type of aura. I have a great story and example of this below......

Energy is almost like a physical thing that can produce outcomes. This is why it is so important to visualize, ask for what you want, and feel the vibes you want to have to attract those wishes because all energy/atoms attract to each other, therefore you will attract/attach to that which you see/feel/think of.

Whew. That was a mouthful.

Let me give you an exercise to see for yourself how energy is felt and changes the environment.

Go into a spot where it is full of nature and it is quite with not many distractions at all.
Now just sit here for a while and see how it feels within yourself. Are you picking up any good vibes/feelings??

I bet you are feeling very calm, relaxed, great feelings within yourself.

Nature has perfect energy in perfect harmony. This is why it feels so good to be in nature because you are picking up the perfect energy that it has. The more of what you are around is what you will keep with you. This is why some people just love and want to stay in nature 24/7!

Garden of Eden

If you know about the famous Garden of Eden story then you know that God allowed Adam & Eve to have everything but told them not to eat from the evil tree or they will die. What this signifies in my opinion is that you need to put into your body only pure great things to stay in the "Garden of Eden". The Garden of Eden is a metaphor for being in a "holy" or "pure" state which any person would praise as the most blissful you can possibly be when you are holding pure energy, eating healthy food, no drugs or booze, negative thoughts or thoughts in general that take you away from it. The more empty your body and mind, the more your spirit opens and connects with the universe.

Just thinking about energy and what these stories may be trying to tell us is how I come up with these thoughts.
What do you think of my relation between energy and the story from the bible?

Two Energy Tips to Produce Results!

  1. Don't use the word "want" when visualizing what you desire. This creates a lack vibration. Instead use the word "have" as you already have achieved it.

  2. Ask to be guided to your needs/desires. Asking is a form of energy and when you do this, it plants a seed in the world and is the very first step to create anything. Weather you are praying, talking, or asking you must put the words and feelings out there to manifest something physical.

Hope this has opened up some thoughts on this subject. I find this topic very interesting and am always investigating more about it relating to my life and others in the world. Would love to hear you thoughts. Please drop a comment and upvote if you enjoyed this piece.


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