Supervise the reinforced concrete work as planned - Project management

The work of reinforced concrete is a very difficult thing to do, if you know about civil engineering science this is very reasonable.

Why do I say like this? because, one of the most influential work on the strength of the building. You may be wondering about the effect of the quality of concrete on a building, the quality of the concrete must be properly considered for each item of the building. If a building has low concrete strength, the building is likely to collapse and not last long.


In the initial planning, we are required to perform the task according to the target. But it is not as easy as turning the palm of the hand, it should be noted or supervised so that the quality of concrete is really awake.

Before entering the field, a supervisor should see and explore the drawings of the plan, in order to easily manage management to get perfect results. Here is a plan drawing.


Then, after the image above, below is a picture of the shape or appearance of the building. A supervisor should be able to build the building as in the picture, the images provided look very complete, as well as details of the building items.


So, if someone has read and seen the drawings of the plan, then the thing to do is make the building exactly the same as the picture.

How is the development process?

Each project that we live must have a main goal, the goal is a professional work and completed on target. A project should be able to manage management and organization, it is about the way the work from the beginning to the final stage. It is not easy to set up management as planned, surely someone will find the difficult point. But we must be able to make a decision that can help the process work, creating quality ideas are very important in this field. Have you ever heard of a building project failing? Of course, once a project fails its habit is in the regulator I mentioned above (management). Management likens the key to a project, if it continues to be provided, is unlikely to fail.




Other barriers contained in the building project is on security, yes, security is very trigger the occurrence of obstacles. If in the event of an accident, automatic work process will be slow and can hurt the owner of the project. In accordance with my experience, it is true. Barriers to the job location are numerous, you may be dizzy over it. But I think, a project like work on the picture must have a high risk. But every owner will definitely think how to reduce the risk, if we can release the risk, success is in sight.



Each region or country must have the construction of facilities that society needs, year after year or even month after development continually provided by state to society. As in the picture above, the construction of a public facility specifically for students, which is meant by the library building. Facilities like this are very helpful generations of quality in the future. But if on the contrary, the facility is very minimal in an area, most likely quality generation will be few and even very rarely found.

State management is definitely great, the country should think for its people. The state must also provide the equipment or facilities to enrich and facilitate the society in the future.

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