Hey DeXvid! @introduceyourself! don't be rude!

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          Who is DeXvid? It’s guy who’s about to bring amazing content to your Steemit feed. Sometimes what we really need are stories from regular people like me, who were not brought to the internet either by programmers or by somebody trying to pump a specific company or entity. I am your regular guy, a learned professional, who was brought in a middle class family, born in Puerto Rico, with many many dreams. Most of them, I’ve been able to accomplish as of today. The problem is that when you accomplish dreams that you had when you were a teenager by the time you set them to do, new dreams tend to arise, which is not a bad thing, but its like a thirst that has to be quenched. It’s kind of addictive to a point. You become what I call a ‘healthy crazy person’, always always thinking about new ways you can come up with, in order to be the best version of yourself. So that you can impact each and every person you encounter in your life in a positive and inspiring way, even if you only spent a small amount of time with x person. 

          One thing you have to understand from me is that I did not end up on Steemit because of the greed for money. Although money is necessary, I believe that in every profession out there, evidence has showed that when you go after what you love to do and what you believe in, things always end up going the right way because you find out you have this innate persistence in you towards the things you truly love to do. 

          In my case, well, that’s a bit different because I love to do many things. I was raised in a musician family, started to study music very early in my life. At nine years old I started playing guitar. Got into skateboarding as well at about the same age. All I wanted to do was to study my master’s degree abroad and then end up being the guitarist and music director of a famous artist. Both of those dreams came true, only to make me realize that it was just the beginning of a never ending quest for knowledge in so many different areas I would not have imagined ten years ago.  

The following pictures I'm about to share with you are not meant to be analyzed that much, just enjoyed. As I will be explaining some of them later on with more detail.

Strange picture of me playing guitar at my high school graduation with my band

Undergrad graduation recital promo

Undergrad Graduation in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Picture with my parents at my first master's degree graduation in Valencia, Spain

Thats me stressed out about a concert I had to give that day, right on that same stage.

Me & some of my friends at my second master's degree graduation in Valencia, Spain

Part of my Puerto Rican friends from school at graduation day in Valencia, Spain

Video demonstration as a part of my Internship in Austin, Texas

Worked as the sound engineer and video editor for the Austin Independent School District

Knowledge is the only thing nobody can steal from you

My actual job

Lots of concerts

Lots of fans

fire guitar solos? lol ok why not?

Huge crowds. This guy is pretty blown up down here, you should check us out.

Then I met Mr. Bitcoin

          I’ve learned many things in my life, but one of the most powerful ones has been to never turn the other cheek to the unknown, because it will possibly find its way to you anyways.

  • Rock, punk and caribbean music were the reason I wanted to study guitar in the first place. Instead what was available in my secondary school was classical guitar.
  • I wanted to specialize in jazz for my undergrad but after taking the advice of all my former classical guitar teachers at the time, I followed what I had already started and went for classical guitar. Just to find out I would learn both classical and jazz guitar, because it would all depend on what I wanted to make out from it.
  • When studying my master’s in Contemporary Guitar Performance, I chose to take a minor in music production, just to be able to produce some small things on my own. Little did I know that after graduation and after going back to my country, I was being hired almost for more gigs as an audio engineer & video producer than as a guitarist, which had actually been my primary skill forever. I always said yes.
  • After deciding to go back to school to formerly structure my knowledge on sound engineering and music/video production, I was asked to select three of the four areas which my master’s degree would let you specify in. lol, check this one out.. they were;
  1. Sound Engineering
  2. Music Production
  3. Video Production & Editing
  4. Programming

I chose these three:

  1. Sound Engineering
  2. Music Production
  3. Video Production & Editing

          I let programming out, because hey, I had to leave one out. My background was more on music performance so I thought it was ok. Little did I know that on the process of getting an internship right after graduation, from all of the applications I filled, the only opportunity that arose was an internship at a music tech company called LIVID Instruments, which specialized in the programming of MIDI Controllers for music production in general. Everything from hardware & software testing & development for those controllers were an area I had to face, almost unexpectedly.   

          The beautiful thing is that all of those situations helped me grow in so many different areas, because I really let them sink in. I’ve learned to keep an open mind for new information and areas of expertise. You never know where life’s gonna end up taking you. I understand that basically all careers require you to specialize in one or just a few areas, which you then develop to expertise. On the other hand though I feel that given the times that we’re living, people who like to create things from scratch, can greatly benefit from dominating and being in charge of different areas of the production and administration of their product by themselves. The reason why most of them tend to fail is because they don’t seem to be able to successfully confront one of the most important decisions they have to take. Leaving the ego behind, you got to measure yourself and say, ‘given my most brilliant capabilities in any skill, and the money I have to invest on my project/career/company, I NEED to know where to draw the line before needing to hire people I can delegate my work to’.   

“Delegation is an art, most talented people really suck at.” – DeXvid   

          All and all, its all about becoming the best version of ourselves, or isn’t it? At least for me it is. I’ve found happiness in the idea of an always-evolving, always-learning/growing type of state of mind.  

          Hunger for knowledge it’s what really got me here with you guys. I was indeed part of the crypto mass pump up which happened this past nov/dec 2017. Did not leave the crypto space when the strong bear market reversal hit right after new years, instead took the opportunity to learn more about the crypto and investment spaces in general. Already invested in a few coins, following cool podcasts like Bad Crypto Podcast and Thriller Podcast. Reading a lot every day. Feels like time is never enough. Loving every minute of it.    

Optional breathing interlude for the readers.. Breathe in, breathe out.. 🧘🏻‍♂️

          I’m really looking forward to build an awesome group of loyal followers that would be truly interested in learning more from any of the many areas I can share with you. An interactive group of followers that would incentivize my growth on Steemit by letting me share real knowledge bombs just for you guys. It could even be getting into real classes about different things if you’d like. I’ve been a music teacher for almost 10 years now, everything from music theory to guitar, bass & piano performance. I can teach about sound engineering, music production and video production as well. Also, in my present main job as the guitarist and music director of a famous singer called Bonny Lovy, I put into practice all of the skills I’ve learned up to this point, combined. Everyday feels like a new chapter of life. Things are happening so fast that there is a huge amount of useful information coming from what I’m faced on a daily basis. I can’t wait do start organizing it all for you. I feel like people have to know. You could be one of the first ones to grasp everything I have to give out for you. Just let me know below. 

Some of my main softwares are: 

  • Ableton Live
  • Pro Tools
  • Finale
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Adobe After Effects

If you click here, I’ll share my useless C.V. with you. Just for those of you curious out there, I see you!  

All and all, I think this post should come to an end pretty soon.

          Please tag the people you think this article would resonate with. Let me know what you think in the comments! Suggestions are more than welcome. Hit that like / up-vote / follow my channel / all that Steem hype which I’m soo new to, as of now. Do all of that, yes. Share the love, repost my article if you’ve really dig it. Spread the word, so that when this new Steemian comes back, I might have a lead as to where to take it from here with my next article. I got too many ideas in my head right now. 


        p.d.       have you ever witnessed the birth of a whale? ;)   


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