Origin of Expression: Bum- F*#@ Nowhere.

I'm not going to an explicit in the actual title, but I'll start using it later. This expression was a special request investigation from @Ausbitbank from a chat the other day on discord.


I was surprised to here this one is popular in Australia but I guess its so awesome it's everywhere.

The Expression and meaning

If you not familiar with it, it is used when referring to some middle of nowhere place.

You would say, I Have to go visit my family in Butt-Fuck Nowhere.

There are many minor variations in this expression including bum-fuck Egypt, or Bum-fuck Iowa. You can really just change to nowhere part to any other place, and bum with butt. It's very sophistical stuff.

It's also often abbreviated to just BFE, or BFN.


The Origin

Of course it's not very clear as usual but I've dug up a few theories.

It seams to be clear that is started as "bumblefuck" which seams to have a long standing history being used to refer to any remote location.

Then at some point it morphed to butt-fuck, it seams to began to be heavily adopted by the vulgar crowd of military members and students in the 70s and some feel the influence of the move Deliverance in 1972 had something to do with this change from bumble fuck to butt fuck.

In fact the Egypt part has a much more interesting background.

On potential Origin just suggests it was started as Egypt do a military outpost that was there and very undesirable place to be station due to it's remoteness.

The other origin of the Egypt part refers to a part of Southern Illinois knows at Little Egypt, it has towns named Ciaro, Thebes, and Karnak. They say this may have been used by mobsters and criminals in the glory days of Chicago to refer to some secret hideout, south of Chicago.

Hope this clears up the mystery, If anyone has any burning requests for the next investigation let me know

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