Money Laundering: Why Hollywood is Not Out of Business Yet

“My goal is to buy Hollywood companies and bring their technology and capability to China.” - Wang Jianlin: Dalian Wanda Group chairman

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Can we really believe the quote from Dalian Wanda Group chairman Wang Jianlin? Consider where a lot of digital cinematography and editing equipment is manufactured to gauge if this statement is valid. And then look at the fact that both AMC and Carmike cinemas are owned by The Wanda Group. As we are in a cultural and information war here in the USA, it is important for Americans to know exactly who is in charge of media distribution. And controlling over 10,000 screens in a country you are in a trade war with, is far more important than the average American has been led to believe.
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Th cultural war being waged against the American people by Chinese owned film companies is pervasive and has a broad reach. Recently, Ryan Gosling and the new film in which he stars, First Man, made headlines when it came to be known that the film distinctively leaves out the planting of the American Flag during the first moon landing.

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As you can see this film was produced by Universal Pictures. The parent company is NBCUniversal. And in 2015, NBCUniversal did a deal with China’s Alibaba Group. Many Americans do not realize Alibaba is the largest e-commerce site in the world. And hence, Alibaba is one of the most powerful corporations in the world.

So knowing that the largest e-commerce company in the world, Alibaba, struck a deal with NBCUniversal in 2015, should raise a red-flag, (pun intended), when considering propaganda and influence in America. When you consider how long it takes a film to be written, shot, edited, and promoted, we are now in the era of the Chinese propaganda film in the USA.

The information of who owns and ran a production or distribution company was never put into the forefront before now. But considering that the recent film about the first Apollo Mission not including the planting of an America flag on the Moon, we must admit American Film Production is being used as tool for a cultural war being waged upon Americans.

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Of course the actors are happy to take the money anywhere they can get it. As the industry emotionally beats it's participants into submission, the life of an actor can be brutal. And when success finally happens, letting that success go, even at the cost of one's own sense of self, (or one's soul if you prefer a metaphysical term), must be a fear to great to face. Recently Gosling was quoted on the question of skipping the planting of the American flag on the first Apollo mission as, “I think this was widely regarded in the end as a human achievement [and] that's how we chose to view it,” he told reporters. "I also think Neil was extremely humble, as were many of these astronauts, and time and time again he deferred the focus from himself to the 400,000 people who made the mission possible.”

Bullshit! It was a great American achievement.

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Was Ryan Gosling speaking from his heart? Or was he coached by people with interests in promoting China by ignoring a major American historical moment?

Ironically, Americans have shown a strong resilience to Hollywood's propaganda. And several summers of crashing attempts at blockbuster films has had many people wonder how long can Hollywood continue to pour money into a black hole. The rejection of Hollywood has reached the point where now it is not uncommon to see a bumper sticker that reads: Boycott Hollywood. And for the most part, the rejection of Hollywood has been caused by a mixture of force feeding cultural and political agendas in films coupled with brand-name actors speaking out against Donald Trump.

Is the emergence of the China owned Hollywood studio and the badmouthing of Donald Trump a coincidence?

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While the excuse for buying up so many Hollywood Production studios is that China has become the biggest film market in the world makes sense of the surface. It does not explain the gobbling up of American screens by China owned companies. And the question of China's influence on American culture now needs to be addressed.

But regardless of massive investment by China, when we look at the numbers, they do not add up unless you factor in money laundering. Granted, Hollywood is well known for creative accounting practices that leave creators profitless. This has been going on in the recording industry as well for a long time. Now factor in the #Hollyweird connection to pedophilia. And as the soon to be released child-trafficking documentary Contraland is about to expose dark facts. The dark facts are that the appetite and profit for child-porn and child trafficking pedophilia rings are immense. And questions that this massive amount of illicit money is being used to wage a cultural war on unsuspecting Americans has arisen. These complicated questions must be investigated on a Federal Level. And when you consider the difficulty of conducting a money laundering operation by a company headquartered in China by the FBI, the insidious nature of the situation we find ourselves in begins to loom over American culture like Cthulhu.

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I chose to focus on the loses of film distribution companies. This is because it is these companies who are funding the major films we see in theaters. Using the chart of Chinese investment into these American film distribution companies I decided to start with the year 2006, as the beginning of major Chinese influence in Hollywood. And using WIkipedia's chart of Biggest Box Office Bombs, I came up with the following figures.

Since 2006, major Hollywood studios have lost a combined 5.376 billion dollars. And when you bring this to light with the ever growing rejection of Hollywood films in America, on the surface it appears a few major blockbusters are enough to keep a major film distributor in business. But, look at the domestic numbers of the chart below. And consider the accounting practices along with the fact that China owned companies are claiming they have the largest film market in the world. Knowing what the average Chinese worker is paid, how is that possible? Now factor in that the estimated billions of dollars associated with Child Sex Trafficking and the drug trade and it all starts to make sense.

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The investment in the top grossing films in the above list equals 5.764 billion. And domestically, these top films account for a profit of 7.038 billion. But when you consider the 5.376 billion in losses, and realize the reported Worldwide Gross numbers are highly suspect the dark question of money laundering begins to flesh out.

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Adding up these numbers, the domestic profit of these films is a healthy 1.662 billion. But, when you factor in the 5.376 billion in loses Hollywood has accumulated with crap-fests like Gods of Egypt, for instance, and we have a total domestic loss of 3.714 billion dollars. And knowing that we are in an American culture and information war, can we ignore these numbers? Can we take the worldwide profit tallies from these films as fact? Or are these numbers used as a veil to hide our eyes from a money laundering scheme that is being used by a country hell bent on destroying the United States of America's middle class, classic American values, and eliminate our memory of how great of a country we actually are?

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Tony Castelluci is an American filmmaker, writer, and former Water Safety Survival Instructor with 2nd ANGLICO of the United States Marine Corps

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For the record, no member of the Information War team has ever or is considering suicide, drug overdose, or not looking both ways before we cross the street!

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