Do What You Are 🎯


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My last post of 2017 announced a rejection,
which I accept as redirection.

I'm happy that my first post of 2018 can share
a small, but special, form of acceptance.

Life brought me a new "dream client" who was fearless, ready, and pre-paid for three 1:1 Social Honesty Sessions, with a Litecoin!

This person longs to experience the very same things that I long to provide
(which is to deeply witness the beauty, pain, and potential in others,
and to support them in true-ing up their life).

This is one of my core purposes.

It is an odd service to "market," but I always followed the guidance inside me.
There's been more of a trickle of clients, than a stream.
But the ones who come, oh boy... they are always, always worth the wait.

** ARE YOU ONE?? **

The more honest I am in life, and with life, the more satisfying my experience of it. 💗

A question for fellow service-providers: How much of YOU do you feel is reflected in your biz offering? Do you even WANT integration between who you are, and what you do?

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