Where do Genius Business Ideas Come From? ~ #readthepostandfindout

Pause for drum roll and anxious anticipation from reader(s).........................................................................................hopefully there's an 's' in there ;)

Dun Dun Dun......


The simplest answer is need. Sorry if that didn't do it for you, but it's true. Think of a problem that vast amount of people wish was solved (if not already), or, if already solved, as they say, build a better mouse trap.

I must have had my creative gene jogged as of late because ideas have been flowing in and out pretty good the past few days. Maybe I owe some credit to a new steemian, @perrytheinventor. He has some solid advice when it comes to this space, and now that I think of it, reading one of his posts must have set my brain off.

I rudely interrupted my wife at dinner tonight so I could rattle off an idea that instantly just popped into my head and I knew if I didn't say it then and there it would be lost out of my mind forever. I know it was rude, because after I was done explaining it, she told me so, lol.

I always listen to peoples complaints with intensity. I may not show it, but my ears perk up and my intrigue goes haywire when people are basically stating, "someone come up with a new idea for this problem!". I'm all ears.

So after I spend two minutes explaining the idea, I realized I just had come up with a fancier McDonald's.......but aimed specifically at parents, but even more specifically, their children.

A few of the complaints that led me to this idea:

  1. Finding a cheap (but healthy) place for our daughter (and us) to eat is difficult.
  2. Finding a healthy (but cheap) place to eat for our daughter (and us) is difficult.
  3. The amount of sit down casual restaurants (like this place) that cater to families with kids is minimal.
  4. Only options are fast crap food or expensive maybe less-crap food.

So let me take your mind on a ride to this fancier McDonald's and you tell me if you think it might do well in reality. Here are the basic tenants of the idea:

  1. My wife packs 3 diaper bags when we go anywhere. Overkill for sure. She pulls out a little sticky mat with dividers on it for the table, she's got bibs, and of course the iPad to keep her busy. This place would accommodate all of that, so you wouldn't need to bring any of it. High chairs and boosters rule the place. Some are even built in with cool designs enticing the kids to want to sit in them. Forget packing up the house when you come here, we've got you covered, is the slogan that just came to me. Not polished, but it gets the point across.
  2. Real, healthy, fair priced and delicious food. Eat in or take out through the window. The amount of times we have asked ourselves "What are we going to do for dinner tonight?", while driving home late from somewhere, are uncountable. "Not fast food, not healthy enough." Although cheap and fast. "Not a sit down place, Deya is tired and would make an absolute scene." Not to mention what they charge for a kids chicken tenders meal. Along with our food, we aren't leaving without a bare minimum $30 tab.
    So the focus is on healthy and delicious salads, wraps & sandwiches, and specialty kids items like homemade mac n cheese, high quality, lightly fried chicken tenders, and a grilled cheese to die for. And of course the sweet potato fries will be out of this world.

  3. Kids wanna have fun wherever they are. The problem with that is, there are places where some people find it rude and obnoxious to have children running all over the place. This place will be known for this type of behavior. So the expectations are set for all parties when they walk in, this is a kids world, the parents are just living in it. That's not to say parents won't enjoy it. They get a little relief where their kids can run around a play-place like set up, but instead of eating a dollar menu chicken sandwich with a billion calories that also probably isn't even chicken, they will have numerous healthy options to choose from, for not only themselves, but their kids too.


Obviously a lot more than just some mouth breathing goes into an idea like this, if one were so inclined to bring it to market. These are just the ideas that come to me out of no where, and I have found that when I don't immediately write them down, they are gone like the wind. This idea might suck to be honest.

One of the few key points I recall from @perrytheinventor's post the other day was this, "when you have a good idea, sleep on it. If you have the same vigor the next day for it, then it might have potential." I'm going to go to bed tonight and see how I feel about this tomorrow. I feel there is a market out there for stay at home moms, outgoing/adventurous families, and a slew of other individuals with kids who want to eat a healthy delicious meal, not have to take out a 2nd mortgage, and know what their getting. I'll let you all know how I feel tomorrow after some shut eye.

I hope you'll do the same and let me know what you think of a fancier, healthier, fast service, inexpensive, and family friendly McDonalds. Would you try it out? Asking for a friend.

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