Green greetings,
I am @thegreens, a grassroots environmentalist with over 12 years experience serving as Founder/Executive Director of The Greens, an environmental organization working to connect, inspire and collaborate with change-makers around the globe to build thriving, just and sustainable ways of life.
I have been on Steemit for over 05 years and during this period, I have blogged about local and global environmental issues; focusing more on the different projects and programs i run in Bamenda, North West Region of Cameroon.
My passion to build a healthier, safer and sustainable planet is immeasurable and this explains why I am currently in search of steemians with who can partner with me to create the Steemit Environmental Club (SEC)
Steemit Environmental Club (SEC) is a global association of steemians who educating, advocating and acting for environmental protection. The goal of the club is to promote environmental education, advocacy and action on Steemit using the power of Steem.
Some of SEC’s activities will be to organize environmental contests, find and reward environmental content on Steemit, organize awareness raising campaigns, commemorate international environmental days and promote tree planting around the globe (Steemit Trees)
Are you passionate about environmental issues?
Do you want to become a co-founder of a global environmental club on steemit?
Drop a comment if you are interested. I will be very glad and inspired to have steemians from different countries around the globe.
The Greens is a grassroots environmental organization that strives to educate, inspire and engage young people to take action to combat climate change and be at the forefront of biodiversity conservation and waste management.