Intro music contest for Let's talk EOS intro

The need for an intro sound

I and others witnessed the beginnings of the Let's talk EOS videos to be a little akward and I think everyone could greatly benefit by knowing that if the intro music is being played the show is about to start.

Listen to this intro
to get a feel of how an introduction can inspire and how it sounds with Fuzzy's voice.

I know for sure that @officialfuzzy likes it because he picked it himself. However I think having any sound resembling a voice is not good because it distracts from anything being said. The general feeling is positive and full of promises. It builds up slowly like a real introduction.

Overall the music should inspire and feed your imagination that what we are talking about is something great, magnificent without being overly dramatic or persuasive. Better to be subtle than to boast, over-promise and under-deliver.

Good examples

While these examples are my personal opinions and those of @officialfuzzy feel free to post comments with what you like and @officialfuzzy (and others) will give hints to which artistic direction to go with your music.

First few minutes:

Bad examples

  • aggresive sound
  • using vocals (see above)
  • melancholic or depressive
  • harsh sound
  • overly dramatic


  • The music you present is yours and made by you.
  • Your music is not used anywhere else.
  • We can use your music for Let's talk EOS for an indefinite time.
  • We will ask your permission to use your music for any show other than Let's talk EOS.
  • I will contribute 20 BeyondBits extra if you tune all sounds in your track in 432Hz tuning instead of the usual 440Hz
  • We reserve the right to not pick a winner and announce the contest 2x at maximum if nothing satisfies our taste. This is to protect ourselves of having to pay out quite big sums of beyondbits for music which we don't feel is the right tune for us.
  • If your music is 99% cool but needs some mixing or other fine adjustments we will ask either you or do it ourselves. But you must feel happy about the end result!
  • Entrants must Upvote and ReSteem this post (afterall, this is a community-building challenge)
  • Create a post with your musical entries (up to 3), then reply below with a link to your post, and your BTS/OL account name in the comments so we can send you your BeyondBits if you win.
  • We will give out 300 Whaleshares and 30 BeyondBits for the winner, 200 Whaleshares & 10 BeyondBits and 100 Whaleshares & 10 BeyondBits for the 2nd and 3rd place respectively.


  • Grab some old or new Let's talk EOS or other intro like BitShares and try how your music sounds with Fuzzy's voice.
  • Just one minute of music is needed for an intro but if it is loopable or has a part which is a loop all the better. Sometimes technical difficulties might delay the beginning.

the Future

If we like what you've done we might consider having a part of it as a background loop during converstations to spice things up a little. Also consider this: your music is going to be heard not only lot's of times but by many viewers, some new to EOS some old but they will all associate EOS with a good vibe, thanks to your music!

Winners and closing thoughts

We'll try to pick the best artist / musical intro together this means cooperation on our part and it might take some time but we'll also let the community have it's part by upvoting what they like best.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column