💡 EOSTalk LIVE ~ Submit Questions for Everipedia's Larry Sanger [WIN BeyondBit & EOSBit]


EOSTalk LIVE! Special Guest Interview

This Tuesday, February 6 we will have Larry Sanger, CIO of Everipedia joining us on EOSTalk LIVE! to discuss the future of decentralized information and his visions to create a verified, censorship-proof platform utilizing smart contracts to record the documentation and editing workflow on a blockchain using EOS.IO.

For those who don't already know, Larry has been a critic of the Wikipedia platform he helped to create and later joined the team to create Everipedia to help bring the next generation encyclopedia to the world. Everipedia will reward contributors with a its own IQ token and set new standards help ensure the accuracy of the data added to the knowledge base.


💬 Here's YOUR Chance to Submit Questions for Larry

We want to know your thoughts and questions about Everipedia, how the move to blockchain will benefit the accuracy of contributed data, why they chose EOS.IO, or anything else that may be on your mind regarding Everipedia. We are looking for thought-provoking, conversation-starting questions.


Simply Submit your question(s) below in the comments below.
Include your Bitshares/OL name with your question(s).


You question(s) must be submitted by Tuesday, February 6 at 5PM EST
(3 Hours before we go live.)

🏅 Contributor Rewards

If your question(s) is chosen to be asked during the live interview you will be rewarded with:
5 BeyondBits and 5 EOSBits

What are Beyondbit and EOSBit?

Beyondbit and EOSBit started as a conversations in the BeyondBitcoin hangout series shortly after Steem was launched historically in those very hangouts. It began as "community tokens" or "tag coins". These cross-chain tokens give their holders the power to Summon a Whalevote to posts without having to pay for attention. And they are only given to people who Participate in Challenges, Win Contests and do other things of value for the community!

BeyondBit and EOSBit tokens are on BitShares! So make sure you have a BitShares/OpenLedger account to receive and send them for upvotes on your Steem posts!

HOLD on to your EOSBit!

These powerful cross-chain tokens will be very valuable in the future once EOS.IO has launched and associated DApps are brought online. We encourage you to participate in as many challenges as you are capable of and save up your EOSBit!

Join the BeyondBitcoin Communities

Please join in the discussions with us by becoming a member in ANY or ALL of the BeyondBitcoin and Bitshares communities. We have a wealth of knowledge and information waiting for you.

EOSTalk Discord
EOS.IO related community and topic discussions.

Whaleshares Discord
Steemit community discussions, contests and events.

Bitshares Discord
Bishares development community and discussions.


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