If anyone can buy me some EOS tokens and hold them for me, I will pay you in steem or SBD and buy you an EOS token too! Its just a headache for me to setup a new exchange account and by time i get my kraken account up EOS will be worth more
hahah oh wait wrong EOS haha these are all things titled EOS
Here is data for EOS from coinmarket cap, where it is #9 biggest cryptocurrency by market cap with around 700 MILLIOn us dollars!
And just look at this Graph for EOS from http://coinmarketcap.com /assets/EOS
If anyone can buy just a couple EOS tokens on my behalf, i will buy you one and send you SBD to cover the costs! Including converting the SBD to ethereum in order to buy it etc i just cant deal with opening another exchange account with Kraken or Bitfinex or Yobit where I know I can buy these...So if anyo of you have a Kraken or bitfinex account and want a free EOS token, you can buy them with kraken or bitfinex and its just a headache for me to get ANOTHER exchange account JUST to buy one token! so if any of you already has a kraken or bitfinex or yobit or any account that lets you buy EOS, i will send you the SBD to buy more EOS for me and i'll send you enough to buy one for yourself too! and I will trust you to hold onto the for me! Hopefully someone I already know here on steemit can help me, Maybe youre a minnow who has the ability to buy EOS buy no money to buy it? Well we can now help each other!
If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email zackza@gmail.com or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....
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