Join me at Consensus 2017 for the EOS Launch Party!

Hello everyone,

I am happy to announce the launch party and unveiling of our new project, EOS. It will take place from May 22-25th at the the Consensus 2017 event in NYC. I am eager to connect in person with fellow developers and entrepreneurs.

As we all know, currently all blockchains rely upon sequential processing of transactions; this fundamentally limits the throughput of a blockchain to the computational capacity of a single CPU core.

I will present how EOS will blend a mixture best practices including: asynchronous communication, separation of intent from state, and careful management of data dependencies, to horizontally scale Blockchain infrastructure to millions of transactions per second and bring the Blockchain to mainstream commerce.

Free Tickets, Drinks, and other Surprises!

This will be a spectacular event with a warm community, free drinks, and other surprises; I hope to see you all there.

We are giving away a limited number of free tickets to the Consensus conference ($1500 USD each) to potential EOS developers and community ambassadors. For more information please email with information about yourself and your desire to join us at the conference.

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