EOS Chestahedron, Usual Suspects, Steemit Marketing

I wanted to look up some info on the origins of the EOS logo to get some insight on what it means, and ran into this amazing video. It's a long watch, but very interesting indeed.

The Usual Suspects:

One of my favorite movies of all time (The Usual Suspects) it came to mind today. That's what good movies do, you could be having a normal conversation and it jumps at you. This not EOS related, but as usual I do not try to make my posts cohesive. I am all over the place and can jump from one thing to another. Steemit communities, the fork I been waiting so long for. I hope it does what it's supposed to do. Yes that's me being impatient.



There is a reason I keep saying we need a woman on the marketing team. Nobody listens. @dantheman I hope you take that advice to heart when you start marketing EOS. It's a shame to have a platform like Steemit, the richest platform on female presence in crypto and we have no female voice. I have nothing against the current marketing team on Steemit, in fact I made that wish to them directly. It seems we were marketing to ourselves, and sadly we are not successful at it. I hope @roelandp will invite some none Steemians this time to Steemfest II. At least he takes my advice sometimes :D

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