FREE EOS STICKERS! ROUND #2! Only Silver Are Left, Claim Them While You Can!!! (one black remains :-O)

ALL black (except 1 currently) and ALL white stickers have been claimed. 9 silver stickers remain.

So last week I began doling out my stash of EOS stickers that I had left over from the Consensus conference. They're doing me no good just hanging onto them and what better thing for an ambassador to do than to spread them around to the interested populous!

My original post that started this endeavor can be found here: @matt-a/i-have-a-lot-of-eos-stickers-left-over-from-being-an-eos-ambassador-at-consensus-2017-they-belong-to-you-for-free

Here are all the stickers side-by-side in all of their glory for you to peruse and marvel at:

Here's a quick run down of where we're at on all of this:

So right now, all black and white stickers have been claimed as well as 3 silver stickers. That leaves a remaining 9 silver stickers up for grabs! Once the supply is exhausted, I will begin stuffing envelopes and take them all to the post office at once. All envelopes are already filled out with your respective names and addresses as well as the color you have chosen, so once these last ones are gone, they will all be in the mail, on their way to your lovely hands in short order.

So spread the word around so I can get rid of these damn things! Surely to god, 9 people want 9 silver EOS stickers for free! Resteem this, send it to your friends! I don't need anymore upvotes, the previous post has paid for all of the postage and envelopes just fine!

So what do you need to do to claim one of these beauties?

STEP #1: Reply to this post stating that you want one of the remaining silver stickers.
STEP #2: Jump into and PRIVATELY message me your username here along with your name and address. You can also do this via messaging me on Telegram. You can jump into the EOS chatroom by going to I am "Matt A," in there.

That's all you have to do. You're done! This lovely blockchain here has paid for everything for you to get a free EOS sticker in the mail! The future is crazy, I'm into it.

Here's what mine looks like on my laptop:

Don't judge me, my laptop has been around the block a time or two and around the world several times. I've been building on this chassis, swapping out the guts for more modern things as they come out for around 4 years now, she's actually quite the beast! I'm actually in the market for like . . . 2 screws, because I lost them.

Stickers Remaining:

Updated: 06-04-17 06:47 PM EST
Silver: 5

Confirmed & Complete:

Silver: @kyle.anderson, @clevercreator, @soushi888, @thatsweeneyguy, @rubenalexander, @freebornangel, @dylanwright
White: @kevinternet, @nepd, @clayop, @tincho
Black: @lukestokes, @rangertx, @robertdurst10, @drpuffnstuff, @kennycrane, @meesterboom, @nicnas, @pnc, @andu, @team101, @jacobts, @sanghkaang

SIDE NOTE: My wife @kotturinn has a small stack of these stickers as well and will be doing something similar to this post ON GOLOS so that we can spread more around for free and to distribute the workload of getting all of these out! Be sure to follow her , she's always posting cool stuff and is very responsive. She's very active both here on Steem and on Golos, as she's a native Russian speaker, but is extremely fluent in English. She'll probably follow you back, even. Thanks for reading, folks!

That's it! Just a quick update. Hopefully all of these get gobbled up this weekend and I can set them sailing come Monday.

Thanks for tuning in, friends.

And you haven't done so already, be sure to sign up for the mailing list at HTTPS://EOS.IO/ That's where all info will be released AS it is released. Be the first to know!

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